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I didn't really read over this.

One Year, Four Months Ago



It has been nearly two months since Louis and Sir began this training. Louis absolutely loved it. He hasn’t been able to cum, or touch himself, since they began this training and Louis, surprisingly, didn’t mind at all. He loved knowing that he couldn’t do something because of his ‘Master’, as Sir would soon, hopefully, be.

Louis and Sir have done nothing but email every now and then, when Sir had the time. Louis didn’t know much about Sir, only that he was twenty three and a Dom who was willing to work with Louis and help him out.

‘Good morning, Sir. I am awake and ready to serve and please you to the very best of my abilities.

I also have school today, Sir, so I may not be able to reply right away, but I will reply every moment I am able to.’

Louis sent Sir that email as soon as he woke up. Louis always sent Sir an email, telling him that he was awake and ready to serve and please Sir as soon as he woke up. This morning, he had to go to school. He absolutely hated it. He wanted to stay home and chat with Sir until Sir had to leave.

As Louis was getting ready, he heard his phone go off and he ran and jumped, literally, onto the bed with his pants half way up his legs. Sir had replied and Louis was eager to see what Sir had to say.

‘Good morning, pet. What all classes do you have today?’

Louis smiled widely and blushed at the pet name, he loved being called ‘pet’ by Sir because Louis was training to be Sir’s pet. Louis wanted to be Sir’s pet for Sir to do as he pleased.

‘I have Government, Psychology and a Computer class, Sir.’ Louis quickly replied to the older man.

When the email sent, Louis stood up and wiggled his tight pants up so that they were on his body correctly.

Louis often wondered what Sir looked like, like at this moment. Louis was wondering what he and Sir would look like together. Would Sir be taller? Shorter? Thicker? Toned? Out of shape? Louis didn’t know. Louis did know, however, that Sir was a boxer. Sir had mentioned many times about his boxing matches that were keeping him busy.

Louis heard another ding from his phone and sat down on the bed, opening the email from Sir.

‘Have a good day at class today, pet. Today, I am adding another rule for you. I will tell you what to eat and you have to eat it at least once and you must tell me what you are eating, when you eat it. Normally, I would feed you myself, but that cannot happen with us right now.

Today, you will eat chicken, grilled chicken.’

Louis smiled widely as he nodded, mentally writing the new rule in with the rest of the rules that Sir had given him.

‘Yes, Sir. I will message you during lunch when I eat.’ Louis replied to the older man.

“Grilled chicken.” Louis spoke to himself as he fixed his hair. “I can do that. Colton’s. I can go to Colton’s and get me a grilled chicken sandwich.”



And during lunch, Louis went to Colton’s and ordered himself a Grilled Chicken sandwich with Swiss cheese and pickles, with fries on the side before he emailed Sir and told him what he was having. It was odd eating alone, but Louis knew that people would question why he was eating this meal and on his phone constantly, chatting with some random person.

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