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Italics will be Louis's story from the time that it was happening.

When there is no italics, it is back in the present.

One Year, Six Months Ago

Louis is seventeen, almost eighteen

"" Louis mumbled as he typed the webpage into the browser.

"Interests... Um..." Louis mumbled. "BDSM." He said before hitting enter. "Gay." He typed in, hitting enter again.

"Okay, now, text...” Louis mumbled, clicking on the little blue button with the words 'Text' written on it.

A few moments later, a chat came up. 

"M Sub, 17. Looking for a Dom to train me." Louis typed in. Louis pressed enter and smiled when he saw that the 'stranger' was typing as well.

Louis frowned when he saw that the 'stranger' had disconnected. Louis sighed and clicked 'New Chat'.

Louis typed the same thing in, but found that the 'stranger' had already typed something in.

"23 M Dom, Looking for a Sub, young."

Louis smiled widely and began to type.

"I'm a 17, almost 18 year old M Sub, looking for a Dom."

Louis smiled as he pressed enter.

A few minutes later, he had gotten a response from the Dom. "What are you looking for, little one?" The Dom asked.

"A Dom to train me, sir." Louis replied to the Dom.

"Very well." The Dom replied. "Would you like for me to train you?" 

Louis smiled even wider as he nodded and typed in a quick 'Yes, sir, please.'

Louis was excited to finally find someone on this site who didn't want to see Louis's dick or something like that, not first of all anyways.

"Very well. I have some tests to give you first, pet. And if you pass, then we will continue with the training." The stranger wrote.

"Yes, sir." Louis wrote back.

"Do you have an email, or skype? Just in case Omegle messes up, we can still continue the first test." The stranger asked.

", sir." Louis replied.

"Very well, my boy. Let us begin our test, shall we?" The Dom asked.

"So, you took a test?" Harry asked as he looked over at Louis. Louis had moved some so he was sitting up, and Harry was rubbing his feet.

"Yeah, it was weird. Just, let me finish, yeah?" Louis told Harry, laughing a bit as Harry tickled his foot.

"Yeah, sorry, continue." Harry told Louis. 

Louis smiled gratefully and rubbing his stomach before he continued.

"Yes, sir. Please."  Louis replied.

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