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Louis sighed as his eldest son made him change his clothes, again. According to Alexander, Louis looked old in all of his clothes. Louis rolled his eyes as Alexander spoke.

“You are going on a date, mum, not going to take out the trash.” Alexander told Louis.

Alexander and Edward had put Louis in a pair of skinny jeans and an old ‘Boys Like Girls’ t shirt that Louis had for years.

“You look good, mum.” Edward told Louis. “Just, fix your hair?” He suggested as Alexander came up and pulled the shirt out of Louis’s pants and fixed his hair, mumbling about how Louis would look like a homeless garbage man if it weren’t for him.

“Okay, okay, guys, Alex, stop. I have to go, sweetheart.” Louis told Alex as he swatted the boy’s hand away. Louis was going to be late for his date. The first date he’s had in nearly two decades. Louis was nervous, but he was excited all at the same time.

“Just trying to make you look good, mum.” Alex told Louis as he followed Louis to the door, still fixing random things on his body. Edward just laughed at his brother and mother as he sprayed Louis with some cologne on Louis’s body.

“And I thank you so much, both of you. But I am going to be late to meet this ‘Harry’ fellow. And we are meeting at my own bakery!” Louis exclaimed as he turned to press a kiss onto Alexander’s head, then Edward’s. “Don’t kill each other. Go to bed at eleven. Don’t call me unless it is an actual emergency. Don’t be too loud. Don’t throw a party. Do not, and I repeat, do not have anyone over to have a ‘sleepover’.” Louis told both kids as he grabbed his jacket.

Louis sighed as he walked into the restaurant where he and Harry were to meet. He has not been given any information on this Harry. He just really hoped that this was the Harry who he had fallen in love with.

“Um, I’m here with Harry?” He told the hostess as he awkwardly stood. She nodded and smiled widely.

“Yes! Harry has just sat down about three minutes or so ago!” She told Louis.

Louis nodded and followed her to the private area that was reserved for him and Harry.

Louis nearly cried when he saw that familiar face. He didn’t cry, well, not before he slapped Harry across the face. “You asshole!” He exclaimed. “You left me!” He said as he sat down.

Harry kept his hand pressed against his cheek, where Louis had just slapped him. He didn’t say anything, he just rubbed his cheek.

“So, you have nothing to say?” Louis asked, crossing his arms and angrily ordering a water as the waiter asked him.

“I’m sorry.” Harry whispered after a bit of silence.

Louis scoffed, wanting to hit harry in the face again. He didn’t.

“Sorry?” He said, laughing lightly. “You are sorry? Sorry for leaving me? Using me? Lying to me? What exactly are you sorry for, Harry? What?” He asked.

Louis was angry. Pissed.

“I’m sorry, Louis. I did what I did for a reason, you know.” He mumbled.

Louis just shook his head and leaned against the chair, looking up at the ceiling. “You left me, no speaking to me, no texting me, no goodbye. Harry, why? I trusted you. I fell in love with you.” He whispered.

“I got her pregnant before I met you.” Harry told Louis. “I had to marry her. I had to. And I couldn’t look at you, much less talk to you. And I would have lost my job, Louis. She was pregnant with my daughter and I had to be there, I had to marry her.” Harry explained.

Louis shook his head and sighed. “You didn’t have to, Harry. You didn’t have to do anything. You promised that you would stay with me. You promised. And you broke that promise.” Louis mumbled to Harry.

Louis saw Harry nod before he sighed. “I know, Lou… I know.” He mumbled.

Louis just shook his head and grabbed a bread stick. “I’m thirty seven, Harry. Thirty seven and I haven’t been with a man, not willingly.” He mumbled. “You didn’t even speak to me when we were at Miss. Barbara’s funeral.” Louis told Harry.

Harry sighed again as he nodded. “I know. I would have begged for you to come with me and be with me if I did. I had to force myself to fall in love with her so I wouldn’t try to come and ruin your life anymore.” Harry told Louis.

Louis looked at Harry, shaking his head. “You would not have ruined my life, Harry, not by coming back.” He told Harry. “I needed you, Harry, so much.”

By the end of the night, Louis and Harry had ended up drinking some wine and they began to spill some secrets, like that Harry had called his wife Louis’s name many times. And Louis told Harry that he fucked himself, thinking of Harry.

Louis learned that Harry’s wife had died of cancer from smoking and drinking, Louis felt bad for Harry and his daughter. The young girl lost a mother and Harry had lost his wife.

Harry and Louis continued to see each other, becoming something steady.

Alexander, Edward and Harry’s daughter, Anna, all liked the idea that their parents were together. Louis loved Anna, she was such a sweet girl.

Within a year of Harry and Louis seeing each other, they all moved into one house, Harry’s house because it was larger. The house that Louis had inherited from Miss Barbara was going to be a home for Alexander since he was now eighteen.

Louis had fallen pregnant again at thirty eight, a bit over a year after he and Harry started seeing each other, and had a little girl. Harry and Louis had gotten married when Louis turned forty.

Life was now good for the Styles-Tomlinson family. Louis had forgiven Harry for leaving, Harry apologized for leaving nearly every single day. Louis didn’t mind, he knew that Harry just felt horrible. But, they were a family now. Him, Harry, Alexander, Anna, Edward, and baby Barbara. They were a family. Louis finally had his family and he couldn’t have been any happier.

I know that this isn't perfect. I will try to go back one day and fix all errors. I will have this edited for grammatical and spelling errors later.

You know some about why Harry left, he left because he had gotten someone else pregnant and he was told that he needed to marry her, so he did, he was also told that if he went back to Louis, he would ruin Louis’s life and he didn’t want that so he forced himself to fall in love with his wife.

Harry and Louis are now married and have a daughter together. They had combined their two families into one large family.

I hope that this was okay.

Thank you for reading.

I love each and every one of you. :)

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