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Louis sighed as laid on the couch, on his side of course, and Harry rubbed his back. Miss Barbara was completely correct when she said that Harry was good with his hands. This felt absolutely amazing. Louis has never felt anything like this before. 

"So," Harry began as he massaged Louis's back, there were a lot of knots and such. Harry could tell that Louis was stressed out. "How far along are you?" Harry asked.

"Six and a half months." Louis told Harry as he rubbed his stomach, smiling as he felt a kick to his hand. Louis loved feeling his baby boy kicking, it meant that he was still alive and healthy. 

"Oh, so, you're having a boy?" Harry asked. 

Louis nodded again and took a deep breath before moaning as Harry's hands made their way to Louis's neck, rubbing the knots out of the young pregnant boy's neck.

"Yeah, I don't know what I would like to name him just yet." Louis told Harry as he placed his hand where he was getting a stretch, where his little boy was stretching out and his foot was being pressed against Louis's stomach.

"You should name him after me." Harry joked to Louis. Louis just rolled his eyes and smiled. Harry being around just might not be that bad.


"Oh my gosh." Louis whispered as he looked at the resturaunt that Harry had taken him to. The place was so fancy, so nice, so expensive.

"Aren't you glad that I suggested you wear those leggings and that shirt, now?" Harry asked as he led Louis to the table that they were given. Since Harry was such a high profile celebrity, he could just call and say that he wanted something and he would get it quickly. He normally didn't do that, but this was a special occasion.

"Yeah." Louis whispered. Louis was just dressed in some leggings and a sweater, with converses as his choice of shoes. He didn't pick any of it out, Harry did. 

"Here is your table. And here are your menus. My name is Anna, and I'll be your waitress tonight." The waitress, Anna, told the two as Harry pulled Louis's chair out so Louis could sit. 

Louis thanked both Anna and Harry as he took the menu from the young woman.

"Do you know what you would like to drink tonight?" She asked as she grabbed her notepad from her apron and clicked her pen.

"I'll just have water, please." Louis told the waitress as he looked at the menu.

She nodded and wrote Louis's drink down on her notepad.

"And you, sir?" She asked Harry.

Harry hummed as he looked at the drink specials. "A beer." He told Anna as he smiled over her. She nodded and wrote down Harry's drink before telling the two that she would be back in a few minutes with their drinks and to take their orders.

"You really shouldn't drink alcohol." Louis told Harry as he looked through the menu to find something that sounded appealing, which was honestly everything on the menu.

"I'm just going to have one, maybe two." Harry told Louis. "Then water."

Louis nodded and placed his menu down on the table. "I think I'll just have a grilled chicken salad." Louis told Harry. "You can't go wrong with a grilled chicken salad." Louis smiled.

Harry nodded as he placed his menu down. "That sounds delicious, but I think I'll go with a steak." He laughed.

Just a few minutes later, their waitress came back with Louis's water and Harry's beer.

"Are you two ready to order now?" She politely asked.

Louis nodded and took a deep breath as he rubbed his stomach before speaking. "Can I have the grilled chicken salad? With just lettuce, cheese, crackers and ranch?" He asked her.

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