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Louis smiled as he handed the little girl her muffin. It has been a few days since his and Harry’s little date, which ended up with them sleeping in bed together, cuddled in each other’s arms.

When Louis came into work, he had on Harry’s shirt and the leggings from the night before. Miss Barbara gave him a strange look and asked him why he was in Harry’s clothes and why Harry was bringing him to work, as well as why he was staying the night. Barbara didn’t get the text until she was up and going to get Louis up from his room, then was when she checked her phone for any messages from the pregnant boy.

Louis had repeatedly told Barbara that he and Harry didn’t do anything. They just talked and slept.

Harry had things to do with his family the last few days, so Louis was just texting and calling the older lad whenever they both had time. It was nice to have someone who cared about him. It was nice to have someone hold him when he needed it, someone who wasn’t his grandmother’s age anyways.

“There’s my favorite boy.” Louis heard. Louis smiled and looked up. Louis has grown to love that voice, even in such a short amount of time. Louis loved hearing Harry speaking. He loved Harry’s voice.

“Hey, Harry. You hungry? Thirsty?” Louis asked as he grabbed his notepad so he could write Harry’s order down for him.

“Are you on the menu?” Harry asked. Louis rolled his eyes at Harry and shook his head.

“Sadly, I’m not.” Louis told Harry as he pouted. “But, there is the special of the day. And there’s a chance to win a prize if you order it.” Louis winked to Harry as Harry leaned onto the cabinet.

“Hmm, what is the prize?” Harry asked as he licked his lips, looking at Louis’s.

Louis blushed and bit his lip before replying. “How does a kiss sound?” He asked, looking into Harry’s eyes.

Harry smirked and nodded. “Sounds perfect. I’ll have the daily special, babe.” Harry told Louis.

Louis laughed and nodded as he wrote the order down on the notepad. “You don’t even know what it is.” Louis told Harry. “It could be like, pig guts or something.”

Harry laughed loudly and shook his head. “I don’t care. I want that prize.” He told Louis.

Louis blushed and nodded as he moved to fix Harry’s turkey sandwich, that was the special of the day. It wasn’t really special, the bakery didn’t do many sandwiches. So turkey sandwiches and a muffin, along with the soft drink, tea, water, or coffee, of choice was the special for the day.

“What all do you want on your sandwich?” Louis asked, looking up at Harry.

“Hmm, just put whatever you would eat on there.” Harry told Louis, and Louis did.

Louis put pickles, ketchup and Swiss cheese on the sandwich before he wrapped it up in the wrapping paper and placed it on the counter.

“What kind of muffin?” Louis asked, fixing the gloves that he had on.

“What kind do you like the best? Just get that, yeah?”

Louis did as Harry asked and wrapped up a blueberry muffin, placing it beside the sandwich.

“And to drink?” Louis asked.

“Water.” Harry told Louis. Louis furrowed his eyebrows and nodded as he walked over to the fridge behind him and grabbed a bottle of water, putting it on the counter.

“Anything else?” Louis asked as he raised his eyebrows at Harry.

“Yeah, um, make all that again? But with mustard on the sandwich? No pickles, instead can I have tomatoes? And a chocolate chocolate chip muffin? With a Mountain Dew? And a lunch date with you?” Harry asked, smiling over at Louis. Harry was smiling so big that his dimples looked like they could hide children in them.

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