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“I’m so nervous.” Louis whispered to Harry as they walked up to Harry’s mother’s driveway. Louis was extremely nervous about meeting Harry’s family. Louis was now in Harry’s shirt from the last time they visited and he had on a pair of yoga pants. Harry mentioned a few times that Louis’s ass looked absolutely phenomenal in these pants.

“Don’t be.” Harry told Louis as he stopped and grabbed both of Louis’s hands. Harry pressed a kiss to Louis’s knuckles. “They will love you, I promise.” Harry told Louis, who just nodded and took a deep breath. Louis was nervous. There would be no way that he wasn’t nervous. He was going to meet Harry’s family.

“Okay.” Louis whispered as he leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to Harry’s cheek.

Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to Louis’s forehead before he carefully led Louis up the steps to his mother’s house.

The house was small and cozy. It was really nice and homey.

Harry opened the door and let Louis in after himself. “Mum, gran! Guess who’s here!” Harry called out as Louis shut the door behind him.

“My boy!” Louis heard a female voice call as the sound of footsteps came near.

Louis cuddled into Harry’s side as he nibbled nervously on his bottom lip. Louis was scared. So very scared.

“Louis, love, you look so gorgeous.”

“He does, mum.” Harry laughed as he gave his mother a one armed hug and a kiss to the cheek.

Louis nervously looked up at Anne. Louis and Anne have met before, but they didn’t get to know each other all that well.

Anne smiled and kissed Louis’s cheek as she hugged him. “It’s so nice to see you again... Gran is in the kitchen. I hope you’re hungry.” Anne told Louis.

“He needs to eat, mum, so I’m sure he will be. I’m gonna take him to see gran, then he needs to sit and rest.” Harry told Anne, who nodded.

“Alright, babe. I’ll be right back. I have to go get something from town.” Anne told the two. “Make yourself at home, Louis dear. I’ll be back soon. And then we can all chat.” Anne excitedly told Louis before she pressed a kiss on both boys’ cheeks and gave Louis’s stomach a quick rub.

After Louis was introduced to Anne, he and Harry walked into the kitchen, where he was introduced to Harry’s gran, who wasn’t as old as Harry had described, and Louis was told by both older people to sit down. He was even declared the taste tester. So, Louis got to eat a lot of yummy food before anyone else and he was pretty happy about that. The cooking in the Styles’ household was amazing. Louis was so happy that he was able to eat all of this delicious food first.

“So, how long have you and Louis been dating?” Anne asked as she emptied the bags from the store.

Harry cleared his throat and looked over at Louis, who was now looking at the food he was about to eat.

“Um, we aren’t really dating, per se. I really do like Louis, and I think he likes me as well. We’ve been on a date a few days ago.” Harry told them as he put the cookies in the oven.

“I like you too.” Louis whispered. If Louis didn’t like Harry, he most definitely would not be telling Harry his story. Louis didn’t trust people very much all that often. Louis had a hard time trusting people now that Sir happened.

Sir was an amazing guy, the perfect dominant. But it was obvious that Sir was not ready for a real commitment or children or anything like that. Louis didn’t plan on looking for someone who would be his lover and a father for his baby boy, but he now thinks that he has found that perfect person. And he’s only known Harry for a few days.

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