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Louis sighed as he looked over at the wall. Louis had been awake for some time now. He was still tired, but his little boy was pressing against his spine. Louis didn’t want to wake Harry up, especially since it was so early in the morning. It was only five forty three in the morning. Louis knew that Harry still needed his sleep. Louis had heard Miss Barbara leaving earlier, just a few minutes ago. Louis was still being spooned by Harry.

Louis was bored. He rubbed his stomach as he tried to go back to sleep and calm his son down some.

“I can feel him moving.” A rough, raspy voice that Louis had grown to love spoke behind the small, pregnant lad.

Louis sighed again and nodded. “Yeah. I didn’t want you to wake up.” Louis mumbled to Harry.

“It’s fine.” Harry mumbled as he pressed a kiss to Louis’s cheek and moved so Louis could roll on his back. “Let me talk to the little beauty.” Harry told Louis, who just nodded and leaned on the pillows to try and get comfortable.

“Hey, baby.” Harry began as he rubbed Louis’s stomach. “Calm down for your mama, yeah?” Harry told the growing baby as he pressed a kiss to Louis’s stomach, earning a kick from the baby inside of Louis.

Harry laughed and rubbed his lip where the little boy kicked him and then looked up at Louis.

“He said good morning.” Louis laughed, rubbing the side of his stomach.

Harry just chuckled and pressed another kiss to Louis’s stomach. “Good morning, baby boy.” Harry greeted the boy before he moved up to give Louis a kiss on the lips.

“Morning, Harry.” Louis whispered to Harry as he leaned up so he could press another kiss to Harry’s lips.

Harry chuckled again as he kissed Louis’s cheek. “Good morning to you as well, my beautiful boy.” Harry whispered. “Let’s go brush our teeth, yeah? I’ll make you some tea and we can cuddle on the couch.” Harry told Louis, who just nodded and took the hand that Harry was extending for him.

So, Louis soon found himself sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in his hands and Harry massaging his back and shoulders with the early morning news on.

“So,” Harry began as he moved his hands down to Louis’s lower back. “Have you thought of a name for this beautiful boy?” Harry asked, moving one hand to Louis’s stomach for a brief moment before going back to Louis’s back.

Louis sighed and rubbed his stomach with one hand as he took a sip of his tea.

“No. I haven’t.” Louis whispered. “I was thinking maybe, Alexander?” Louis told Harry. “But I’m not sure.” Louis told Harry.

Harry smiled and kissed the back of Louis’s head. “Alexander. That is very cute.” Harry told Louis. “Alexander Ray Styles?” Harry suggested, laughing lightly.

Louis simply rolled his eyes moved so he could lean back on Harry’s chest. “Styles? I don’t know about that.” Louis teased. “Why should he have your last name?” Louis asked Harry before he took a sip of his tea and as Harry wrapped his arms around Louis’s waist, Harry’s hands on Louis’s stomach.

“Because I wanna be there for him, as his father.” Harry whispered as he kissed Louis’s head again.

Harry’s words surprised Louis, they really did. Louis knew that Harry liked him and that Harry liked the little baby that Louis was carrying. But, Louis did not expect Harry to say that he wanted to be in this baby’s life as this little baby’s father.

Left in Cheshire (Larry Stylinson) MPREG (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now