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“Hey, there, Barbara!” Harry greeted the older woman, who was like a grandmother to him, as he walked into bakery.

Barbara smiled as she looked over at the younger boy, missing his voice.

Harry hasn’t come to the bakery in over a year. He was always touring and doing other things and Barbara missed him dearly. He was Barbara’s best worker.

“Harry!” She exclaimed as she placed the coffee cup on the counter. Barbara slowly walked out behind the counter and went to hug the much taller, and much younger, lad. “I haven’t seen you in ages, boy!” She told him as she brought her hands to Harry’s face, squeezing his cheeks.

Harry laughed and nodded as he let the older woman squeeze and pinch his cheeks.

“I’ve missed you as well, Barb.” He told Barbara.

Barbara just smiled and motioned for Harry to come and sit down at one of the tables.

“So, Mr. Big Time Celebrity,” Barbara began. “What have you been up to?” She asked as she wrote down what Harry always ordered when he came here. He ordered the same thing ever since he began working for her years ago, about six or so years ago.

“You know.” Harry shrugged. “Same ‘ole, same ‘ole.” He told her.

Barbara chuckled and nodded as she walked up to the counter. “Lou! Ticket, dear. Then take a rest, yeah?” Barbara called out.

A short boy came out of the back with his hand on his stomach. Pregnant, Harry noted.

“Sure thing, Miss Barbara.” He quietly told the older woman, who rolled her eyes and scolded him for not calling her ‘Barb’ or ‘Barbara’.

“Who’s that?” Harry asked as Barbara came back to sit in one of the chairs.

Barbara looked back at the pregnant male. “Louis. He came in a few months ago, looking for a job.” She told Harry.

Harry nodded and looked back at the pregnant boy as he fixed Harry’s tea and Barbara’s coffee.

“How old is he?” Harry asked, turning back to look at Barbara.

Barbara sighed and looked back at Louis before looking at Harry. “Barely nineteen.” She told Harry, her voice quiet as Louis began to make his way over to the two of them, coffee and tea in his hands.

“Here you go.” Louis whispered, quietly handing Barbara her coffee and Harry his tea.

“Thanks, love.” The older woman told Louis as she slowly stood up from her chair. “Why don’t you two talk, Louis, love, you need a break. Have you eaten lately? Your little boy needs some food.” She told Louis as she pointed to the chair that she was previously sitting in.

Louis bit his bottom lip and rubbed his stomach as he shook his head and slowly lowered himself down in the chair. “No, ma’am. I was in the back, making the bread.” He told Barbara, who sighed and shook her head as she walked away, most likely going to go and get Louis something to eat.

Louis sighed as he rubbed his six and a half month belly as he looked around the bakery.

“So,” Harry began as he took a sip of his tea. “Tea is amazing, thank you.” He complemented Louis.

Louis blushed a deep, deep red as he nodded, bringing his hand to his bare and naked neck. He missed his collar that use to lay heavy on his neck to show that he was owned, taken.

“Thank you.” Louis quietly told the celebrity.

Louis knew who this man was, everyone did. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know who this man was.

Left in Cheshire (Larry Stylinson) MPREG (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now