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This is the last chapter. It is kind of just thrown together, I'll either edit it later, or I will have someone else edit it. I have not read over this, so there most likely are mistakes, tell me if there are. I hope you enjoy it. 

Just a warning, there are a bit of time skips and you might cry.

Character death. :/

Harry was leaving. He was going back to do whatever he had to do. Harry didn’t even let Louis come with him to the airport. He had given Louis some bullshit excuse about how he didn’t want the paparazzi to hurt Louis. Louis believed that until he found the seven month ultrasound picture that he had given to Harry in his room. Louis knew that Harry didn’t just leave it on accident.

“I’ve been used.” Louis whispered. “Again.”

Harry had left early in the morning, saying that it was the only time he could get a ticket, which was bullshit. Harry owned a fucking private plane.

Louis didn’t know what hurt the most. Maybe it was the fact that Harry just left him all alone without even saying ‘goodbye’, or maybe it was that the made love the night before Harry had left. Louis told Harry that he loved him, Harry didn’t reply.

Louis risked early labor so he and Harry could make love. When they were finished, Harry turned and looked at Louis and said ‘That was the best fuck I’ve ever had. I can’t see why he left you here.’

Louis might have been over thinking everything, but he couldn’t help it.

Louis placed Harry’s copy of the ultrasound down on the bed and rubbed his stomach. “He used me, and I love him. Why does this always happen to me?” Louis asked his son. “How could he act like he loved you so much and that he wanted to be your daddy, then use me and leave like that?” Louis asked his son.

The day before Harry had left, he promised to call and text when he got to where he was going and every day and every night. It has been a week, and Louis has yet to hear from Harry. He has texted Harry and called him, only to be ignored. It hurt. He hurt all over.

Depression hit Louis like a bus.

When Louis was eight months pregnant, he had seen a magazine. The cover of it was of Harry and some other famous singer. Harry was kissing her, like, lips on lips, tongue in mouth, everything. They might as well have been having sex.

Louis still had hope that Harry was going to call or text him or something.

Louis went over to Harry’s mother’s house several times. No one ever answered the door, so he stopped going.

“Louis, love.” Miss Barbara’s voice sounded through the bakery.

Louis looked over at her, his eyes dull. “Yea?” He quietly asked.

Louis rarely spoke now a days. Not even to baby Alex.

Louis placed the magazine down as Miss Barbara walked closer to him. “You need to eat, Louis. Eat for Alexander, yeah?” She told him, placing a sandwich in front of Louis.

Louis sighed and took the sandwich, opening it slowly and quietly. He knew that he had to eat for his son. He had his son to think about. He needed to think about his son’s health and safety. He needed to stop thinking about how he was always used by the men he loved.

Louis quietly took a bite of the sandwich before he began to cry.

That was another thing he had been doing lately, crying. He cried over everything now.

Left in Cheshire (Larry Stylinson) MPREG (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now