So much happened

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Neymars POV

The world cup is over and I have to go back to Barcelona in a few days.

I can't believe how much happened in these past few months I broke up with Bruna I had a crush on Rina I fell in love with Rina I almost go paralysed (A/N is that how you spell it?)

Me and Rina are a couple now at the beginning of our friendship I never thought she would like me like that now shes my girlfriend and I wouldn't want it any other way!

"Hey Babe I have to leave in a few days"

Rina said

"I know where to?"

I asked I dont want her to leave I want her to come with me and stay with me forever and just be happy but I guess she has her own live and her own carrier and I would be wrong to hold her back

"Ermm I have to fly to LA"

she said I nodded I don't know what to say will this Relationship end before it even started?


Ok this chapo is short but ok I guess?

I need some help for my next chapter bc I need someone who can write smut bc I obviously cant...ooopss dm me if u can write smut I will give you credit of course!

I wanted to say thank you to all the people who voted and commented on this story!

Its almost over I still have to write like maybe 3 chapos then this book is complete.... Idk If I should wrote a sequel or not


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