I'll miss being with you

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Neymar’s Point of View:

“Babe, it’s not as bad as you think. I promise I’ll call you every day.” Rina said wrapping her arms around my waist, feeling her stare upon my face.

“I know, but I’ll miss being with you.” I pouted wrapping my arms around the small of her back staring right back down at her.

“I know, Ney. I’m sorry I can’t be with you for four months.”

“Aw, babe it’s okay. You have your career and I have mine. I’m just going to miss your sweet laugh, your cute little hugs, your never-ending hunger-“

“Hey! A girl’s gotta eat, you can’t blame me” Rina said causing me to let out a chuckle.

“I know, I know. I’m just kidding babe.”

“I know, what else would you miss about me?” She said looking up at my eyes then down to my lips.

“I’m going to miss your cuddles, waking up to you, I’m going to miss those comfortable silences of pure nothing, but just taking in all your beauty.” She looked back up at me with her gorgeous smile radiating at me, while her cheeks instantly blushed with a beautiful shade of red without her knowing.

“I’m going to miss that beautiful smile, and those beautiful blushing cheeks that come up whenever I compliment you.” My voice getting lower and lower, her face getting closer and closer, I leaned in to give her a kiss as if it was my last kiss; which will soon be one of my last kisses.

The subtle taste of blueberry on her lips, the soft texture of them against my own are enough to make me go insane. I wrapped my arms tighter on her waist as she brought her arms up to wrap around my neck.

My teeth gently bit down on her lower lip causing her to let out a gentle moan creating a little opening for my tongue to enter her mouth. As our tongues were wrestling for dominance, I pushed her small body against the wall, our kiss getting rougher.

She broke up the kiss to take a breath, “Why did you pick me? I honestly don’t think I deserve such an amazing person as you.”

Taking short breaths I looked down to her, “Baby, you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. You always think of others happiness before your own. You never try hard to be anyone else because you are you. You’re the most incredible woman I have ever met, and I truly mean that. It’s me that doesn’t deserve you.” I said while slightly moving her chin up so she can look me directly in the eyes so she know I meant every single word that I have said.

Without saying another word she pressed her lips onto my own wrapping her arms tighter around my neck. I picked her up by her ass pressing her against the wall as she wrapped her legs around my waist. The kiss getting rougher by the second causing the atmosphere in the room to intensify.

Breaking the kiss, my lips made their way down her jaw reaching her neck causing her to let out a little moan, and tilting to her head to the side letting me know I have reached her sweet spot. Gently pressing my tongue on that spot I continued leaving open mouth kisses and occasionally leaving little love bites hearing her once again let out a louder moan.

“N-Ney.” She said struggling to keep your voice firm.

“Yes, babe?” I said stopping to look up at her, a smirk evident on my face as I was seeing a look of pleasure on her face.

“N-no. Keep going” she said frustrated that I have stopped. All I did was laugh and continue leaving her love bites, picking her up, and carrying her to my room. As soon as I made it I gently set her down on the bed pressing light little pecks on her lips.

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