The only thing that's right

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Rinas POV

I woke up after mine and Neys night together...OH MY GOD I cant believe me and neymar did it. I smirked and stood up it was the best night of my life to be honest but now I have to leave for 4 months! To Australia...I will miss him so much I always thought about having a relationship like I have now but I guess it never happened till now. I started getting dressed after that I brushed my teeth and did my make up and my hair. Ney was already awake and was eating

"Ney I have to leave like right now"

I said he stopped eating and stood up he didn't even look at me. I frowned but shrugged my shoulders I guess hes just upset that I have to leave earlier than him, we wont see each other for months. We both hopped in his car as he drove us to the Airport. I jumped out if the car and grabbed neys hand knowing it will be the last time for a few months.

My flight got called telling me it was time to go through Security. I sighed and looked at Ney (oh and if you're wondering my things are already in Australia) with teary eyes

"I guess its time to go"

"I know,but I dont want you to leave"

"Me too, Ney. But I have my Job too you know? And its not the End of us"

he smiled after I said that

"I know. I just found you, I will never let you go ever. I will just miss you so damn much ya know?"

I nodded smiling like a idiot I just cant help it I love him so much

"I love you"

"I love you too"

We kissed amd hugged never wanting to let go but unfortunately live isn't that easy.


he whispered

"Goodbye Ney and don't worry about anything others say no matter how much they say you're wrong for me I know for sure you are The Only thing thats right"

I said and left the love of my life standing there with teary eyes but I know for sure that wasn't the end of us. I will never let him go.

He is The only thing that's right for me and I know that.


Thats the end of this Book :'(

I hope you liked it.


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