Dance - Kian

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It was the end of school disco where the whole year group would get cramped into the sports hall. The lights were dim and the place was decorated nicely, in the school colours of red and black with odd highlights of silver. A glitter ball hung from the ceiling, spinning slowly creating patterns on the walls and the tired wooden floor. 

I walked and sat on a bench, keeping out of the way. I didn't have a date to prom, and worse yet, I had no friends to arrive with. So I just sat on the side, drinking some punch watching everyone else having the time of their lives.  

One boy caught my eye, it was Kian Lawley - one of the most popular guys in school. His deep brown eyes just make you want to melt. He was dancing with one of the popular girls, Tanya - with her platinum blonde locks and her blue eyes. She wasn't my favourite student in the school and I'm pretty sure I wasn't hers. The scene in front of me hurt me to watch, their bodies centimetres from each other as they swayed to the music.  

The music then changed to something upbeat, and they continued to dance and I continued to sit here drinking, eating and thinking, occasionally tapping my foot along to the beat. My mind began drifting off to plans after school, after graduation, the general future stuff that you are pressured into thinking about. 

Then a voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I glanced to where the voice was, it was Kian. His brown eyes making me melt. ''Sorry, I was miles away'' I said apologetically. 

He chuckled. ''I know.'' He came down to my level to speak to me  ''Dance with me, y/n?". 

''But wha..'' I began to say until he cut me off

''I don't want Tanya'' he said holding out his hand ''I want you'' 

 I could feel the heat in my face rising. ''Sure'' I replied grabbing his hand. He walked me to the centre of the dance floor as we began to sway to the music, which changed to a slow song. I could see everyone gazing at us, but it didn't seem to faze Kian. ''Forget about them'' he whispered ''just dance with me''  

Kian and JC imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now