IV - The Dark Past

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Hyebin's POV

She's doing it again

Making someone fall and eventually leave her

When are you planning to stop these stupid games you play, Yeonwoo?

You still can't move on from your past, can you?


But as your best friend, I feel sorry for you. I wish I could save you from all the dark days you've been and you're going thru

I only want you to be happy

"Control yourself, Yeonwoo!"

"So you're going to lecture me again? Sure, let's hear it" she answered with her arms crossed

"Stop playing on someone else's feelings"

"I'm not"

"Then what are you doing to that poor kid?"

"Hm." she smirked "Let's just say it's like when you see something nice, you'll get that desire to have it.... That's it. There's no other reason" she says as she walked way

"I hope so"

I let out a sigh and went to the infirmary where they brought Nancy.


Yeonwoo's POV

Hyebin, I'm sorry for everything I have done. I know you're just being a good friend, and I appreciate that

I just don't know what else to do

I really want to move on from the past

From that person who ruined my life

That person who took away that smile everyone loved

And now I think I became a monster who's doing the same thing to other people

I'm so sorry


Meanwhile at the infirmary, Yeonwoo's set of friends, Jane, Taeha and Nayun are taking care of Nancy, alongside JooE, Daisy and Ahin

"I hope she's ok. She must have been really scared" Nayun said

Hyebin enters the room

"How's the kid?"

"She's still unconscious" answers Jane

"Poor of her"


Nancy's POV

I slowly woke up seeing the worried faces looking at me

My eyes widened

"Ehh?! What happened?! Where am I?!"

"Shh. Stay still, Nancy. You might get dizzy" says Daisy

"What happened?!"

"You fainted after Yeonwoo unnie tried to ki-" what JooE was about to say was cut off by Hyebin unnie

"How are you feeling?" she asked

Now I remember.  I've shouted at her not knowing she's our Etoile.

And I pushed her, I know I've pushed her away

Mixed emotions made me faint

What an embarrassment

"I'm ok, Hyebin unnie. I'm so sorry for the trouble I've caused" I said bowing my head

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