V - Sudden Change

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JooE's POV

Nancy is sleeping so tight.

I wonder if I should wake her up for breakfast

But she might faint again if she sees Yeonwoo unnie

Is that how scared she is? 🤔

I was about to wake her up when I heard a knock on my door

I went to get the door tiptoeing, trying not to disturb Nancy's sleep

"Don't knock so hard. You're gonna wake her-" I was surprised upon seeing who's knocking

"Uh- Hyebin unnie!"

"Don't be so loud JooE" she scolded "How is Nancy?"

Aish! She's always concerned about Nancy. What about me?

"She's still sleeping" I answered

"I can see that"

"S-she went out of our room last night. Maybe to breathe some fresh air"

Ask how I'm doing too, please!

"Should we wake her up?" I asked

"No. Let her sleep. Let's just bring her some breakfast"

"Sure, unnie" I politely answered

"C'mon" she held my hand as we went to the pantry

I really feel comfortable with her

I wish I could always be with Hyebin unnie like this


Nancy's POV

I hope JooE won't wake me up

I don't want to attend breakfast

What happened yesterday makes me want to just stay in this room as long as I live

Uh! Someone's knocking

Stay still, Nancy

"No. Let her sleep. Let's just bring her some breakfast"

Hyebin unnie is so caring and responsible

She should be our Etoile

Not someone who doesn't know the word respect

I let out a sigh after JooE and Hyebin unnie left


I can hear my stomach grumbling

I'll just pretend to be asleep until they bring my food

I hope I'm not being bad

I just.. I just want to stay away from trouble


The door opened and someone came in

I knew she brought food as it smells so delicious

It must be JooE

She put the food on the desk near me

I also heard her pour some water in the glass

Thank you, JooE

I'm sorry for being a burden

She sat on my bed, and caressed my hair

I feel her face getting close to mine

I flinched but kept my eyes closed

Her scent... it's familiar.. I can't remember who's..but it's so familiar

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