XXXI - Come Home, Dabin

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Nancy's POV

The day has passed and we still haven't heard anything from Dabin

I wonder where she is

I hope she didn't fly back to Korea

"Do you want me to go to the flower shop today?" asked Brenda unnie "I can stay there and wait until we find out where she is"

"Can I go with you?"

"If dad will let you, sure. But you already know the situation"

"Let's try to ask mom. She let JooE sneak in yesterday" I took my phone and called mom


"Mom, can I go to the flower shop today with unnie?"

"Oh sure, honey. Can I go with you?"

"Y-yeah sure. But how about dad?"

"He is not here. So we need to come back before 6 o'clock. He will be here by then"

"Dad is not there with you?"

"He went out early today"

"Is that so?"

"I'm hanging up now, honey. I'll see you in a bit"

Mom seemed to be so excited


The bodyguards tried to follow us, but mom motioned them to stay

"This is ok with Richard. You can call him if you want. We're just going to have a mother and daughters time, and we want to enjoy it. So don't ruin it"

The bodyguards bowed and went back to where they're stationed

"That was good, mom" unnie smiled proudly

"I want some privacy too, you know" she chuckled "I should have done this long ago. I was just scared to do so"

"Thanks, mom" I said with teary eyes

"Don't thank me. Go ahead and look for Dabin"

"Mom? Y-you're not going with me?"

"Nah. Me and Brenda will have the mom and daughter time. You go find your Dabin"

I was touched by how mom supports us "Thank you, mom. Thanks, unnie" I said hugging her and Brenda

"My sweet child, stop crying. She might not want to see you that way. Go ahead and find her" she said caressing my hair

"Yes mom" I broke the hug and wiped my tears

"And hey, don't forget to take pictures for me"

I smiled at her "I will, for sure"


It's ten minutes past two and we still don't have any trace of Dabin

"I really don't have any idea where she's gone to, Nancy. Usually she just walks around Manhattan and comes here for lunch" said Daisy who's been comforting me since I arrived at the shop this morning

Jane, JooE and Hyebin decided to play video games upstairs to let Daisy and I have a private talk

"If only I listened to her that night. If only  I trusted her and didn't let my pride stand in the way. We would have been together by now" I said as I keep sobbing

"I'm sorry" she said while gently rubbing my back "I should have made myself clear when I told you about my new girlfriend. I didn't know you would take it that way"

"No, no  Don't be. This is all my fault. I've got paranoid and made some assumptions. I should have asked"


Mr Mcdonie's POV

"What?! No! You can't call off the wedding just like that!" Charles said as he puts down the glass of whiskey on the table as hard as he could. "We've already talked about this. And we have an agreement"

"I know, Charles. But... I can no longer take how my kids are treating me. And it also breaks my heart to see my daughter being sad all the time. She just can't love Charlie back"

"And what? You'll just let Nancy go with that woman? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Well if that's the only thing that could make her happy"

"For f*cks sake, Richard! And what am I going to say to those people we have invited? Huh?! You're just putting us both into shame!" Charles slapped the glass and soon its broken pieces were scattered on the floor


"Call off the wedding and I'll pull out all my shares from the company" he threatened "Think about it, Richard"

"But that's just not fair. The kids have nothing to do with the business"

"Well they have now" Charles looked at his bodyguards and signalled them to take Richard out of his sight


The two bodyguards then took Richard on each arm and pushed him out of the office


Nancy's POV

The three crackheads interrupted us as they ran downstairs. Jane unnie holding Daisy's phone "Hon! You should hear this!"

"What's that, babe?"

Jane unnie pressed the button to play the voice message

"Hey, Yoda"

It was Dabin

"I know you're all worried right now.. Mianhae.. Don't worry.. I'm still here in New York. I'm alright... I think I'll be alright.." she chuckled

It sounds as if she's trying to laugh but she's actually crying

My Dabin is crying and I couldn't help but cry too

Where are you? I badly want to be there next to you right now and hug you

"It's already more than 24 hrs since I've left. Please don't report me to the police.  I don't want to cause a scene.. And Nancy.."

She paused for a moment

"Nancy might find out about it, and I don't want her to worry... Well... that's if she still worries about me" She let out a heart breaking chuckle again

Of course I still worry, you doofus!

"I'm sorry I won't be able to take care of you for now. I'll let Tsundere do her duty.   I just have to clear my mind from the things that have happened the past few days.."

Come home now, Dabin

"Please tell Team Rocket I'll make it up to them soon. And just enjoy their vacation. Who knows, I'll be back before you know it.."

She let out a deep sigh

"Ugh! Too much drama" she sniffed

"Well, I have to hang up now. Someone's waiting to use this payphone. Take care. Annyeong"

"She's just out there somewhere" said JooE

"At least we now know she's safe" said Hyebin unnie

My heart pounded when someone entered the shop


Part of me wished it was Dabin

"We have to go home now"

But it was Brenda unnie

"We need to get home before dad arrives"

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