XXVI - Finding Nancy

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Hyebin's POV

We are at the airport waiting for Jane and Yeonwoo to pick us up

I'm glad we've got a two-week vacation

I can finally spend time with my girls again

I'm just like a mother missing her kids

But this girl with me is an exemption

"My baby... Honey.. Darling, darling!"
JooE said as she wrapped her arms around my shoulder

"You're too cute" I said blushing "But let's stop doing this. People are already staring at us"

"Let them watch. I don't mind"

This girl is so stubborn

Always so clingy

But I like it

I don't think I could live a day without her

She always gives light and color to my world

"Hey there, Team Rocket!" Jane approached us

Yeonwoo followed behind her

I wonder how she's doing

She's been spending her time here in US waiting for Nancy to pop up in front of her

Silly woman

"Yeonwoo unnie!!!" JooE said excitedly as she hugged Yeonwoo

I gave Jane and Yeonwoo a hug too

"How was your flight?" Yeonwoo asked

"It was tiring, but worth it. We landed safely" I answered

"Of course you did" said Jane as she chuckled

"How about you unnie. Have you found her?" asked JooE

"Y-you mean Nancy?"

"Mmhmn" JooE nodded

Yeonwoo let out a sigh "Let's just talk about it when we get home"

She looked so down

Something bad must have happened


Nancy's POV

I broke down in tears as soon as I entered my hotel room

Maybe I deserve to be hurt this much

It's all my fault

I was too scared to fight for her

For our love

And now I've really lost her

I hope Daisy would take care of Dabin the way I want to

And I do hope she wouldn't break her heart just like I did


A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts

Who could that be? I'm not expecting anyone to meet at this point of time

I went to the door and heard another knock

"Who's that?" I asked not opening the door just to be secured

"Guess who?" she answered happily

I quickly opened the door when I recognized the voice "U-unnie?"

"Surpr- Oh, what happened, Nancy?" Brenda unnie asked when she saw me in tears

"Unnie!" I hugged her tightly as I cried again and she hugged back while we get inside the room

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