XXIV - We Meet Again

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Nancy's POV

It's been 6 years

I wonder where they are

I wonder where she is

Does she still think about me?

Does she still remember me?

And does she still love me?

For the past years, i kept asking those questions

I haven't heard anything from her since the day I've left

Not even from the girls

Did they hate me for leaving Yeonwoo?

I hope not

If there's one thing they should hate about me, it would be the fact that I still haven't gone back to Korea

I am planning to, but-

"Babe!" Charlie called out "I've been looking for you"


My stomach always churns everytime he calls me babe

For Pete's sake, we both know our fathers just arranged this relationship

And he's enjoying it

I'm here having a me time in Time Square, New York

And here he is ruining my day

"What now?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"I just want to be with you" he said smiling which pisses me off

"And I want to be alone" I said with a serious tone

"Why do you always push me away?" he asked

"Why do you even ask, Charlie? We both know this is just part of our parents' agreement. Look, I'm not in love with you. I don't even want to be with you"

"Ouch. That's just too harsh, babe"

"Stop calling me Babe. We're not in front of my father. We don't have to pretend"

"Okay, okay. But can you at least try to be nice to me?"

"I'm already being nice to you. So if you please, let me be alone for now. I suggest you go around the place, and who knows, maybe you'll bump on someone who will give you the attention you need"

He smiled bitterly "I guess I really don't have any chance with you, do I?"

"You're a good man, Charlie. I'm just not that girl who can give you the love that you want"

"I get it. Well, I should leave then. Good luck, Nancy" he said patting my shoulder before leaving

I went my way when he again called out


I looked back

"I would totally understand if you don't show up tomorrow" he said smiling

"Thanks, Charlie. But you know that's impossible, right?"

"It's possible, Nancy. You just need to gather all your courage and find a way" he said as he walked away

This guy is unbelievable

I didn't know he would understand that easy

That's one thing I should be thankful of


I continued walking around Midtown Manhattan when a flower shop caught my attention

Daisy Over Flowers

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