XXII - For the Last Time

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Nancy's POV

This is it

The saddest day of my life

My last day with the girl who means the world to me

God, I don't want to be the reason of her heartbreak

But what can I do?

I'm a coward

It's not that I couldn't fight for her

I'm just afraid of what my dad would do to her if we stay together


We spent the morning making love

And I requested us to check out in the afternoon so I can still spend some time with the girls

"Ready to go home, Jagi?" Yeonwoo asked smiling at me

I'm surely gonna miss that smile

"Yeah" I answered trying to control my emotions, but my eyes are betraying me

"Are you ok, babe? Anything wrong?" she held my hand and wiped the tears from my eyes

"Y-yes. I'm ok. I guess I'm just going to miss this. Having a quality time with you"

For sure

"Aww. My sweet Aenaen" She held my cheeks with both hands "We will spend a lot of quality time together. I promise"

I wish we could, Dabin. I wish we could

She held me in her arms and kissed my head "Stop crying. They may think I did something bad again. Specially Hyebin"

I chuckled

"You're not that bad, Dabin"

"I know. But everyone thinks I am, because of what I did in the past. Then you came, and you changed everything" she said brushing her nose against mine

This is totally breaking my heart

Tomorrow I have to leave

And I'll ruin everything

I don't want her to go back to that miserable life

"Now, let's go. The girls must be waiting at the dorm" she said holding my hand as we walked out of the room


"Nenshiii!!" JooE ran towards us and hugged me tightly as soon as we arrived at the dorm

"Ya! Tropicana! Be careful. Her back still hurts" scolded Yeonwoo

"Welcome back, lovebirds" said Hyebin unnie "How was your mini vacation?"

"It was great, unnie. We stayed at Dabin's hotel" I answered

"She brought you there?!" Hyebin unnie looked so surprised

"Y-yes, unnie. W-why? Is that something bad?" I asked nervously

"No. But she hasn't taken anyone there. Not even us" Hyebin unnie glared at Yeonwoo

"Don't look at me like that, jelly-bin (jealous Hyebin 😁). I promise I will take you all there one day, when the time permits" Yeonwoo said trying to calm Hyebin down

"Just make sure of that, Yeonwoo. Or our friendship will end here" threatened Hyebin unnie

We all laughed

"How about we go there on our semestral break?" suggested JooE

"Sure. As long as Nancy will be with me" Dabin looked so delighted. She's obviously excited about it

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