XXIX - Defeat

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Nancy's POV

Another gloomy day for me to face

We we're having breakfast at the hotel

No one's talking until mom broke the silence

"Are you ok, Aenaen?" she must have noticed my swollen eyes

"We all know she's not ok, mom" answered Brenda unnie

"Don't tell me you still cry for that woman?" said dad "It's been six years, Aenaen. You're getting married in 2 days. Trust me, everything will change once you are one with Charlie"

"Trust? Really, dad?" unnie is obviously annoyed "That word doesn't suit you"

"Excuse me?!" dad started to get mad on how unnie talks back to him

"Unnie, we're having breakfast, and people are already staring. Let's just talk about this later"

"No, Aenaen. I've had enough of Mr Mcdonie's selfishness" unnie stood up and mom tried to stop her

"You and your selfish heart!" she said pointing at our dad "Why didn't you give the letter to Aenaen?"

Dad was speechless

"What letter?" asked mom

"Lee Dabin's letter to Aenaen. It's the only thing that would make her smile again. Yet you chose to hide it from her" tears started to form on unnie's eyes

"It was the right thing to do!" said dad

"That's bullsh*t, dad. Do you think taking away you daughter's happiness is the right thing to do?"

"Unnie, that's enough" I said with tears in my eyes

"Ask mom, dad. When was the last time she saw Nancy smile?"

Mom started to tear up as well

"You two, get out of my sight!" said Dad

"For sure, Mr Mcdonie" said Brenda unnie "C'mon, Aenaen" she said holding my wrist as we walked away


Mr Mcdonie's POV

"We need to talk, Richard" my wife said as she held me up and led me out of the restaurant

"What did I do, honey?" I asked as we entered our hotel room

"Ask yourself, Richard" she answered "We didn't raise our kids like that"

"Exactly. We didn't raise them to be homosexuals!"

"That's not what I'm talking about, pabo!" she said slapping my head "I mean we didn't teach them to talk back just like what Brenda did. But you, you made them lose their respect to us"

"I was just protecting Nancy" I answered "If she kept being that way, what will other people say?"

"You worry too much about what other people would have to say, but you've never thought about our daughter's feelings" she said calmly

That hit me hard

"Brenda was right. I haven't seen Nancy's smile for the past six years. The last time I saw her happy face was when she was in Korea. She sent me pictures of her with her friends, and of course Yeonwoo. She was genuinely happy, Richard"


"Sshhh. I'm not yet done" she said signalling me to shut up and sit down

"I've been missing to see our daughter smile again, honey. Don't you?" she asked

"Of course, I do. But-"

"Then do something about it. If you really want to protect her, stand by her side and support her. Not by telling her what to do"

"Do you really think so?" I guess I'll just have to accept my defeat

She nodded

I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her waist "Then what should I do?"

"Only one person can make our daughter happy. And you already know that"

"Charlie?" I said jokingly

"Pabo!" she said slapping my chest and glared at me

"I can't call out the wedding, honey. You know that"

"Talk to Charles. He might understand. He is your best friend anyway"

"I hope so. But how about Charlie? That poor kid might have waited for this for so long"

"Yes. But I can't let Aenaen be with someone she doesn't really love"

"Then why did she agree to marry him?" I asked

"Because of fear. Our daughter is afraid of you. Afraid of what you would do to the love of her life if she doesn't follow your orders. You scared our child, Richard. And she's been protecting Yeonwoo all these years"

"But I could never hurt anyone. You know I wouldn't do that. It was just to make her stop what she's doing with that woman"

"But that didn't stop Aenaen from loving her. Open your mind, honey. Our daughter is in love with her. They're not doing any crime. They just... fell in love" my wife really is something

I looked at her thinking why she didn't lecture me before

"I wish I've done this before, Richard. I just thought you'd be able to realize that on your own. I should have never let the years pass"

What, she's a mind reader now?

"I'm sorry, honey" I said

"Don't just say sorry. Do something" she said as she left our room

I let out a sigh, took my phone and dialled a number

"Charles. I need to talk to you"


Nancy's POV

We went back to our room after making a scene at the restaurant

"T-thank you, unnie. But you really shouldn't have done that. You're just putting yourself in trouble"

"It's fine, Aenaen. I've been wanting to do that anyway. If mom wasn't there, I could have punched dad hard in the face" she said rubbing her fist on her palm

I chuckled "Did you see his face when you said the word trust doesn't suit him?"

"Yeah. Excuse me?" she said as she tries to immitate dad "Shock and disbelief is all I could see"

I couldn't help but laugh at what she did "You're such an evil sister"

"But in a good way" she said

"Thank you, unnie" I said hugging her

She hugged me back and said, "Anything for my baby sister"

"I still wonder what the letter contains" I said curiously

"Well there's just one way for us to find out"

"What is it?"

"Let's go find your Dabin" she suggested

"You know we can't, unnie. Dad is just right there. He has eyes everywhere"

"Don't you at least want to know what she has to say?"

"There's no use, unnie. I already let go of her" I said looking down

"Maybe it was a goodbye letter. Maybe she just wanted to let me know she's already with someone else. Who knows?"

Our conversation was cut when we heard a knock on the door




This story is about to end.
Thanks everyone for keeping up with me.

Maybe last 2-3 chapters?

Stay tuned ;)


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