VII - Miss Right or Mistake?

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Yeonwoo's POV

Days have passed and she never came back

I still haven't found her

Maybe I should just let it go

But I just want to thank her

If not for her, I may still be having those nightmares every single night

She helped me move on

Not completely though

There's still pain whenever it hits my mind

But each time it hits me, I just close my eyes and recall the voice I've heard that night

It was angelic

Y-yes. That could be it

It was my guardian angel

Maybe that's why I couldn't find her

Wherever you are, thank you


Daisy's POV

We were gathered at JooE and Nancy's room, eating pizza while watching a movie

"This is really good. Im glad Jungkook brought us some pizza. He should bring food more often" JooE said while munching her pizza

"He really cooks well" said Ahin

I really don't like it when she compliments him

It annoys me

"His name should be Jung-cook" said JooE as we all laughed

This girl always has an entry

I looked at Ahin

She looked back at me with a smile

I really like her smile

I wonder if she knows how I feel about her

We've been together for more than ten years now

She had boyfriends before, but does she mind having a girlfriend this time?

She moved closer to me

What is she doing?

I'm not moving

This is awkward

She moved closer and closer

I didn't know what to do so I screamed


What the hell was that?!

"What's wrong with you?" she asked then wipes my cheek with a tissue paper

"There's sauce on your cheek" she continued "What do you think was I doing?"

"Nothing! I-i think I just s-saw something behind Nancy" I lied by making up a story

The girls screamed and gathered up close to me as soon as they heard it


"What did you see?" asked Nancy who looks so scared

"A-a child?" I said unsure


JooE and Nancy hid behind me

While Ahin hugged me so tight that my rib cage might break at any time.. I'm exaggerating, but it's how I felt

She burried her face on my chest

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