Chapter 17

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Brady's POV

Too many secrets are being kept between Michael and Sam right now, and I feel like a huge fight is going to go down if they don't start telling each other them.

Sam's secrets:
-Sexually assaulted by Ethan, and he still keeps bothering her.
-History teacher keeps flirting with her and even touching her. She tried to report it to the guidance counselor but he wouldn't listen and accused her of lying and she almost got in huge trouble.

Michael's secrets:
-Getting creepy notes in his locker
-Planning on somehow getting Sam to sing a duet with me on stage at Homecoming.

If Sam's stage fright is as bad as she says it is, Homecoming isn't gonna be pretty. I know Michael wants to help her and whatever, but he's going about it the wrong way. I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen to me.

Homecoming is two weeks away. In Real Life gets here in six days.

Apparently J Hype might be showing up too.

It'd be cool if all the guys got to come and we could have a Boy Band reunion, but we all have pretty busy lives. Jay happens to be homeschooled so he thinks he can come out here. Michael's really excited to see him, especially since he's working on a song and wants to collab on it with Jay.

"You okay?" Mackenzie asked me.

Its Friday night, and we're at the movie theater watching The Greatest Showman for I believe our fourth time. It's our favorite movie, and it's only out in theaters for another 3 days.

"Yeah, just zoned out," I whispered back, and she nodded then refocused on the movie.

I can't help but stare at her. She's just so beautiful. Her dark brown curls, her sparking blue eyes, her freckles...

I leaned over and kissed her cheek, and I could tell she blushed.

We smiled at each other, then my phone buzzed, ruining the moment, and making me jump.

MC: Dude... I just got another note. IT WAS IN OUR FREAKING MAILBOX.

My jaw dropped. This was getting weird.

This was I think the fourth note he'd received, the first three had been in his locker each time.

I typed a reply.

Bro you serious? What did it say??

MC: "Roses are red, violets are blue.
Better watch your back, I'm coming for you.
Don't worry about Sam, she'll be okay.
She'll be well taken care of, I guess you can say.

Better watch your back. Just wait til Homecoming."

Of course. Somethings gonna go down the night of homecoming, as if that nights not gonna be crazy enough.

Dude, you need to tell Sam. Or at least your mom or something. This is going too far. I don't want anything to happen to you. Or Sam.

MC: Nothings going to happen to her, that's why I'm not letting her out of my sight.

But you're not even with her tonight!!

Sam's grandpa passed away, so she and her family had to fly out to Wyoming for the weekend for his funeral.

MC: I know... but when she comes back, I'm not leaving her side. I can't let anything happen to her.

I sighed, then typed a reply.

Whatever you say, but if you don't tell someone soon, I will.


Sam's POV
"I hate Mondays," I grumbled to Michael as we walked to school. It's actually nice out, so we'd decided to walk.

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