Chapter 20

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Michael's POV
Devin had just arrived, making that the entire top 15 is currently at my house.

Some of the moms had come too, like Mama Hype and Mama Marzzz, do they were k. The kitchen with my mom catching up.

Everyone was kind of just crammed in my living room sitting in different places as we talked about the show.

"Remember when I came into the hotel and freestyled with you and Jay for like 15 minutes?" Miles asked.

I grinned. "Oh yeah!! We got to almost 4K viewers," I said.

"Brady rapped on that live too," Mikey said.

We all laughed, remember his little rap that he'd done.

"I wanna hear this!!" Mackenzie said.

"I'll find it," Miles said, pulling out his phone.

"No no! Don't show it," Brady said, burying his face into his hands.

"I wanna see too," Sam said.

"Same," Lauren said, who was sitting between Sergio and Mackenzie.

I raised my eyebrows at Lauren, and she shot me a glare, making me laugh.

Soon Miles had found it, and we all watched the video and laughed.

"Michael Conor who?" Andrew Bloom joked, but no one really laughed.

We all sat there for over an hour, just talking about the show, the memories, and the summer that had changed all of our lives.

"You guys wanna go get something to eat? I'm hungry," I said, standing up and stretching.

"Fine with me," Sam said, and soon everyone else stood up too.

"Only if it's Chick Fil A," Brady said.

"Yeah, I don't feel like waiting super long for food," Mikey said, his arm around Brady's shoulder, causing Miles to sing "BRIKEYEYEY."

"Chick Fil A is literally half a mile away. We could just walk there," I said.

"Let's do it," Chance said, and soon the 18 of us (top 15 plus Lauren, Sam, and Mackenzie) were walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood towards the Shaker Heights Chick Fil A.

Soon it came to the time where we'd have to cross the street.

"Don't get scared Brady," I said teasingly.

Everyone laughed, knowing how scared Brady gets to cross the street.

"Shut upppp," Brady whined.

Sam giggled, as she walked beside me holding my hand.

I leaned down and kissed the top of her head as we walked.

"Awwww," Andrew Butcher said in an annoying voice, and Sam looked up at me and made a face, causing me to cackle.

Soon we'd arrived at the Chick Fil A and we walked in.

It's crowded, as all Chick Fil A's are.

"I vote we go and have like a picnic out there," Mackenzie said, pointing to a field next to the restaurant.

"Sounds good to me," Butcher said, smiling at her.

Brady made his disgusted face, which caused Miles and Cam to burst out laughing since they'd seen it.

"I dare you to just start full on making out with Mackenzie the next time Butcher tries to talk her," Miles whispered to Brady.

He laughed. "Maybe I'll do that."

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