Chapter 30

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Sam's POV
I knocked on the front door of the Smith's house. Michael still hasn't texted me, and he was supposed to have gotten home two hours ago.

Brendan answered the door, and smiled when he saw it was me.
"Sam!!!" He exclaimed, giving me a hug.

I smiled. "Hey Bren. Is Michael home?"

He nodded. "Yeah he's out back playing basketball. He's been playing for like 2 hours. I keep trying to get him to play Fortnite with me cause Brady's playing with Patrick, but he won't," he said, pouting as we entered the house.

"Sorry buddy. Let me try and talk to him," I said, walking toward the back door.

"Good luck," Brendan said, then disappeared upstairs.

I opened the door and walked onto the court.

Michael was concentrated as he practiced a lay-up, not noticing me standing there.

I've never been this upset at him. Not even the night of homecoming when he tried to "help me get over" my stage fright.

Who just randomly ignores their girlfriend for three days?

In amidst of the anger I felt, I was also very worried.

What if he wants to break up?

I swallowed as I watched him.

As mad as I am at him, he's so amazing and I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to be his girlfriend.

Maybe this really was too good to be true.

Michael had missed the shot, and he angrily threw the ball against the fence, and I realized how upset he looked. Stress and anger lined his face.

He turned and saw me and his face turned into confusion.

"Sam? What're you doing here?" He asked, jogging over to me.

"Um, just checking to see if my boyfriend, if I can still call you that, is still alive, what about you?" I asked in a clipped tone.

He sighed, touching his hair. "Sam, I'm-"

I shook my head. "Let me talk. Do you realize how worried I've been? You promised me I would be the first to hear about what happened in that meeting. I waited by my phone for hours. I texted you. Nothing. I thought something bad happened, I even called Miles! He said you were fine and he didn't know why you hadn't contacted me. If you wanna break up, just tell me," I said, sudden tears streaming down my face.

Michael sighed, pulling me into a hug. A sweaty hug.

"Of course not Sam. I love you. I'm sorry... I'll explain. Let me clean up and I'll take you out somewhere. I promise" he said, stroking my hair.

"Really? Cause promises don't seem very important to you lately," I said, pulling away.

He winced.

"Sorry," I whispered, and he shook his head.

"Don't be. I deserved that. Look, just give me ten minutes. I swear. Here," he said, grabbing the basketball and putting them in my hands.

"Practice so you can beat me in one on one sometime," he said, winked at me, then went into the house.

I sighed. The wink, and our hands touching, had gave me chills.

He always makes me feel like that, no matter how upset I am at him.

I'd just shot a 3 pointer when Michael came back outside, hair wet from a shower and his red hoodie in hand.

He threw it at me. "Here. You look good in it and I know you're cold."

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