Chapter: 2

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(With Bey)

(The next day)

Jay:(Wakes up) Bey?

(She's not in bed, so he gets worried)

Jay: (Walks downstairs) Bey!

Bey: Jay, I'm in the kitchen.

Jay: (walks in) Damn, you couldn't wait for me? We all know I'm the better chef.

Bey: Jay, you know that's not true, I'm a country Girl, It's obvious. I'm the better cook.

Jay: (laughs) If you think so.

 Bey: I know so. (flips a pancake)

(Alexis comes downstairs)

Alexis: Goodmornig, y'all.

Bey: Goodmorning, did you sleep good?

Alexis: Yeah.

Jay: So, Alexis who cooks better. Bey or me?

Alexis: I don't know, I guess it's equal.

Bey: Ha, Jay she said it was equal !

Jay: You so childish, bae.

Bey: And you're not? (Gives Alexis a plate, and makes one for herself)

Jay: Nope. So, where's mine?

Bey: I don't know, you're such a great chef, so you can figure it out.

Jay: Bey, you wrong for that.

(Makes him some food)

NOTE: This story is not a continuation of our other story, Onikafaree: Chapter 1. It has the same characters, but it's a different story.

(With Nicki)

Nicki: Mmm, Faree this is good.

Faree: You know I can throw-down in the kitchen.

Vanna: Yeah, this is good daddy.

Rose: Forreal.

Faree: I'm glad y'all like that.

Nicki: Glad you made it, babe.

Vanna: What are we doing today?

Nicki: We need to do some back-to-school shopping.

Rose: We're still going to the back-to-school bash in Arizona, right?

Faree: I don't think so, you would have to leave on Wedneday, and be back on Friday.You would miss school.

Rose: You decided to realize that right now?

Faree: Hell, we haven't even bought tickets yet, there are more important things to worry about.

Rose: Whatever (Goes upstairs)

Nicki: Anyway, should we just order the school supplies online, or something ?

Faree: It would be easier,probably so.

Vanna: We still don't have anything to do today.

Nicki: I guess we could like , rent out Magic Mountain for today.

Vanna: Yes!

Faree: That's not a bad idea.

Nicki: I'm sure Alexis would want to come, Maybe they could even invite some friends.

Faree: Aight,it's set then.
Faree: Aight.

Nicki: Like around three-ish?

Faree: That sounds good. 

Nicki: I'm calling ahead of time,because I don't want any mix-ups or nothing.

Faree: For real. Block your number or something because you don't want anyone knowing your number and random people calling or texting you.

Nicki: Okay, nigga (laughs)

(With Bey)

Bey: Jay, should we just have our assistant get Alexis's school stuff?

Jay: I mean , yeah. What about her clothes and stuff?

Bey: She can order it online

Jay: Aight

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