Chapter 21

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                (ARABELLA'S POINT OF VIEW)
''You're coming home today.'' I bounced into Justin's room he looked up and chuckled at me. I was over the moon the 6 weeks in here where up and he was coming back with me.

''I know, can't wait.'' I walked over kissing him he smiled into the kiss and rubbed my 21 week bump.

''Did you pack everything?'' I asked he nodded to the suitcase on the end of the bed and nodded.

''Yeah can we go now.'' he asked impatiently I smiled and nodded putting my hand out for him he sighed and took it and I help him to his feet then entwined out fingers together. I took hold of the handle on the suitcase and looked at him.

''Ready to go home.'' he smiled.

''Yeah I am.'' we said our goodbye's to the nurses and finally after 8 weeks off being in a hospital and the center he was coming home. He got into the passenger seat and I got into the driver's seat and looked at him and laughed, he was smiling so widely.

''So shall I pull into McDonalds get us some food, Gabby has Josh till tonight so we can catch up without nurse's coming in every 5 minutes.'' the glint in his eyes appeared and he wiggled his eyebrows I laughed pulling out of the parking spot and got food then headed home.

''I missed you to buddy.'' He laughed as Bruno jumped on his lap.

''Right come on you three out.'' I shooed the dogs out the back and locked the door before going into the living room, I sat beside Justin leaning my head on his shoulder, he kissed the top of my head I rubbed his arm with my thumb.

''I missed you.'' I said he moved his hand down to mine and squeezed it.

''I missed you to baby, I'm sorry for being such a fuck up.'' I shook my head.

''It's not your fault what happened.'' he sighed I looked up at him.

''Are you ever going to tell me what happened'' I asked he looked from my eyes to my mouth

''We were putting the new machines down when the lights shut down, we both stooped what we're doing and listening hearing footsteps coming down the stairs. Jinx walked over to the light switch when I was jump from the back, I fought the guy off there was about 6 of them and Jinx and I had them on their ass, they pulled the dirty move and took the knife out, we don't know who it is but we'll talk about it more another day.'' I nodded ok and kissed him before looking back at the telly; his hand moved under my top of my belly and rubbed it.

''We've how many week before this little one comes along, 19.'' I nodded he hummed.

''We've so much to do in so little time.'' I looked at him.

''We've loads of time babe, I just want you up and running ok before we do anything for the baby, we've loads of time don't stress yourself out.'' I rubbed his thigh he sighed kissing the side of my head.

''It feels so good being back under my own roof, not hearing the noise of the trolleys going around for meal times.''

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