chapter 16. our last time here

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I can't believe our journey is finally over and done with. We've completed our mission and now it's on to the next one. What that could be who knows. All I know right now is that Edmund is here with me and I'm in his arms and nothing could feel more right to me.

I notice Caspian standing on the upper deck watching the smaller row boats approach the Dawn Treader and I tell Edmund I'm going to speak with him for a moment. He nods in understanding and goes to stand with his own sister.

As I'm making my way to Caspian, I head Gael let out a joyful shout, "Mummy!" she exclaims and her father, Rhince, must see his wife, "Helaine!"

I watch as neither hesitates at jumping into the now crystal clear blue sea and begin swimming as fast as they can to their beloved mother and wife. I watch Caspian and he a small smile forms on his lips. I look down at Edmund and Lucy and see him put a comforting arm around his sister, both no doubt happy to see a family finding their way back to each other. I notice that both siblings even seem close to tears at seeing the reunion no doubt imaging when they'll be reunited with their own family again.

I stand next to Caspian and smile, "It's always nice to see a family together," I tell him watching as Rhince and Gael reach Helaine and she scoops Gael into her arms while Rhince holds both of his girls.

"He's a good father," Caspian replies his eyes not leaving from the family.

"We both had a good one Caspian," I say looking at him now, "I'm not angry at him," I start, "He was probably just as lost as you were when you first became king. I know it can't have been easy for you to cope with all of the information I dumped on you, but I've seen you grow so much the past three years Caspian. All for the better. You've truly learned how to lead these people," I pause a moment and rest my hand on his that is on the Dawn Treader's railing, "I just hope you aren't angry with my mother or me."

"Of course not," he denies without hesitation and looks down at me, "I could never be angry at you or your mother Char. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my father was a cheater and a liar. I thought he was a great man and an even better ruler, but what if there were things I never really knew about him? How am I going to end up being if everyone keeps saying I remind them so much of him?" He asks clearly expecting an answer from me.

"You aren't our father Caspian," I tell him my grip on his hand tight. Wow that felt weird to say. Our father. Not just his anymore. "You are going to be a great ruler. Look how much good you've done so far," I remind him a gesture all around us and stop at Gael and her parents.

"That's because you were there to get me through it all," he says, "You and I both know that you won't be here for forever."

"I would've never made it the last three years without you Caspian. I was close to giving up but you kept me grounded. No matter where I go you know that I'll always be by your side. You'll find what works for you to rule this kingdom without me being here."

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm the Royal Knower of All Things King Caspian," I say and both of us burst into a fit of laughter.

"Alright Princess Charlotte," he grins and when I give him a deadly glare he laughs even harder. When he finally calms down, he orders the crew, "Let's have them on board! Clear the decks."

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