CHAPTER III: Temporary Purgatory

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Writing Code:

(Y/N) = Your Name
(E/C) = Your Eye Colour
(H/C) = Your Hair Colour
(S/C) = Your Skin Colour *

*Don't see enough of these in fanfiction. Not everyone can visibly blush.

Sorry this is short, but there will be too much added on to the next Chapter and I want to keep each Chapter within the 20 Minute time zones.

Estimated Reading Time: 15 Minutes


Peacekeepers took us into custody. We were placed into furbished holding rooms with sweet-scented artificial flowers on a polished birch table. The carpet was soft, my feet sunk into it, showing they rarely use these areas. Cabinets filled with delicacies from the Capitol, were scattered across the room, while the people outside weren’t sure if they could eat tonight.

Just disgusting. The air was stifling to say the least.

The Capitol place here Tributes to say goodbyes to their loved ones. Well, that was an hour of my life wasted. Don’t have loved ones to say goodbye to. However, my bird friend was here, and I had questions that needed answers.

“Why are you here, Solis? And embarrassing me like that on stage?” I hoped he noted the anger in my voice for putting himself in danger as he did.

With firmness he replied, “I must go with you, (Y/n). To Capitol. What do you mean, embarrassing you?”

I snapped “I mean, you almost threw me to the ground in front of the entire nation, by the way.” I sat down on the single armchair with my chin in my palm.

“And to address your fist comment, I say no.” I plied my leg over the other to be extra intimidating. Or just extra.

I continued “No way in Hell; the day I do, is the day President Snow realises the Hunger Games is not a good idea to quell rebellion. So... Never. Sorry.”

“I must, Luna and I have deliberated this as soon as you left and it’s what we’ve decided.” Solis glided over to the couch beside me, his beady golden irises squinting in determination.

“But I have not considered this, Solis. Nor do you give me reason other than 'you must’.” The Phoenix put his head down in consideration.

“Why? Why must you? Because you don’t know if I will survive to bring you home.”

A beat passed.

“Because Luna and I have spent years raising you as our own and I need to know that we are with you even as you risk your life. You are family, (Y/n); one of has to be with you, to support you, especially now.”

I couldn’t respond to his remark as nothing would be worthy enough. The creature waddled up. I rubbed his upper torso with the back of my hand in appreciation. Tears stabbed my eyes, but I forbid them from falling.

“Besides,” he added “I’ve got wings, that’s why Luna is not here.”

That drew a chuckle out of me.

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