Chapter 8: Hello Agnes

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 Walking into my room with the glass in my hand I set it down on the nightstand before heading into the bathroom. And just like I thought I looked like a mess. My red hair was tangled a bit and my blue eyes were dull like every other day. Sometimes I would like to remember what it was like with my humanity on, just to have the feeling to care about someone so much that they're so important in your life.

 But every time I think about it I just realize how much easier it is with it off. You can do so much without regretting anything and you don't have to worry about who you hurt emotionally and physically. But that's what makes you human right? But I'm not human. 

 I blow off the thought and open the tiny door to my balcony. I lean my arms against the railing that's surrounding me and look out into the dark night. There were no stars out that lit up the night sky making everything look dead. No animals were out making noise so the area was very quiet.

 Feeling a pair of eyes on me I turn around to find Elijah standing by the doorway of the balcony. I ignored him and continued looking out into the night until his presence started annoying me.


 He keeps quiet and walks over next to me looking out into the forest. Something was wrong with him and what was weird was that I could tell something was wrong. His shoulders were slumped down instead of being straightened and he had dark bags under his eyes, he looked absolutely done.

 "I saw what happened with you and Hayley. Would you like to talk about it?"

 He leans himself against the rail and places his hand against his forehead. "I thought you didn't care?"

 "I don't, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to talk to you." I sit on one of the chairs on the balcony and look at him. "So, what's up."

 A huge sigh comes from his lips and he removes his hand from his forehead. "She smacked me."

 "No dip you ding dong. Did you do anything to offend her?"

 Shaking his head he looks at me. 


 "She smacked me because I didn't keep my promise to her. To protect her."

 "Yes, but you were in a coffin stabbed. She can't expect you to save her when you're literally dead. She should be even lucky to have to back because knowing if you didn't pull that little stunt Davina wouldn't have let you go. To be honest, I like Hayley, she's got some spunk in her, but what she did was unnecessary. Funny but unnecessary. I can tell that you like her, it's quite obvious, but if she's going to treat you that way don't go after her. Trust me."

 I took a closer look at him and could see that something else was bothering him, but by the looks of it he didn't want to talk about it. For the rest of the night, we stayed silent on the balcony keeping each other company until my eyes started closing bringing me out of the real world.




 I wake up to the warm sun hitting my face and I sit up and look around. I was back in my room and on my bed, I still had on the same clothes from yesterday and decided that I needed to change them. Getting up I head over to my closet and pick out a pair of jeans and a black crop top. Throwing on my boots I head downstairs and into the kitchen to see Hayley looking through the cupboards.

 I walk past her and open the fridge looking around in it before I find the blood bag that I wanted. Popping the cap open I sip a good amount of it before looking at Hayley who was watching me in disgust as I drank it.

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