Chapter 7: Welcome Back Elijah

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 "Hello, Abigail." 

Turning myself around I stand face to face with the man I gave my word to. His hazel brown eyes pierce into my light blue ones leaving me frozen in place. 

 I knew Davina could be impulsive as I saw with how she was risking her life for Marcel without thinking about herself but this is over the top.

 "Um- Looks like I interrupted something so I'm just going to get going now."

  Walking as fast as I could I walk past Elijah only to feel a hand gently grab my arm. "Join us, our conversation was just about to start anyways." My stomach was in my throat and I nodded my head making my way over to Davina who was continuing on her drawing.

 Elijah walks behind us and notices a violin. Grabbing it he plays around with the strings and looks at Davina. "Do you play?"

  Davina turns towards him her face turning into a frown. "That's... not mine." I watch as she takes a piece of charcoal and continues her drawing with a frown on her face, but that's all gone when footsteps are heard heading right for Davina's room.  

 Davina's face turns to horror as the casket lies open while in the meantime Elijah mess's with the violin. He turns to look at the door and then hurriedly hides to one of the darkest corners of the room while Davina slams the casket closed then runs back to where she was painting and acts like nothing happened.

 Messing with her I pretend to fix her hair and she swats me away, so I go to lay on her bed. Elijah looks at me with concern and I shrug him off as Marcel enters the room.

 "Marcel my best bud." I greet him. 

 "Hello, Abigail." He dramatically sighs at me, I huff at him and roll onto my stomach trying to get comfortable. "Good news little D, we're moving you out of this pile of dust."

 "Are you serious, when?"

 "Tonight, I just need to lock in the arrangements. How's our original?" I smirk at Elijah from the corner of my eye and turn to myself ready to rat him out but as soon as I open my mouth Davina cuts me off of my speech.

 "Don't disturb the body." I turn to look at her giving her a hard glare before I throw myself back onto the bed. "I have a spell in progress."

 "Bet you do." He turns towards Davina. "Pack up then, only what you want to take I'll buy you anything else you need." With that, he walks out of the room leaving the three of us alone again.

 "You didn't reveal that I was awake." He says, Davina, walks towards the cushion and sits. 

 "Were not done talking yet."

 "You and Marcel seem very close."

 I made a barfing noise before turning towards him, he looked at me with a stern look before turning back towards Davina.

 "Marcel is like my family." She says.

 "And yet Marcel is someone who delights in harming the witches. Those people who I would think you consider family. This doesn't trouble you?"

 "Oh don't worry it troubles her so much." I sarcastically say to him now sitting myself up. "She cares for them so much to the point where they want to kill her."

 Elijah turns and raises an eyebrow giving me a confused look. "Now why would that be?" 

 "Power," I say to him while rubbing my two fingers together.

 "They made me and my friends do this harvest ritual. They said our participation would bring our family strength, health. And we would forever be celebrated as saviors of the community." She looks towards us. "But only what they really wanted was more power. So I left before they could get it, now they're running out of time because after the harvest comes the reaping, and if they don't complete the harvest there won't be a reaping. Soon all the witches in the quarter will start to lose their power. Eventually, they'll cease to be witches all together." 

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