Chapter 5: Davina

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My footsteps crunch the leaves as I walk up to the front door of the mansion. When I walk in immediately I find Hayley putting her ear against a different door trying to eavesdrop on the conversation that was happening on the other side.

"Wha-?" Immediately she shushes me and puts her ear against the door once again while waving at me frantically to listen to what was happening. Confused I walk over to the pregnant werewolf and lean my ear against the door, my ears starting to pick up on the conversation.

"We need you to perform a teeny tiny locator spell, to help find our brother."

"Witches who practice magic in this town get caught, and they get killed." Hm, I know that voice anywhere. I didn't really realize how desperate they really were that they had to call Sophie in.

"Yes about that." Klaus intervenes "It seems you left out a crucial detail when we made our deal. Marcel's secret weapons, the way he knows when a witch is using magic." I could feel Klaus already smirking at her and I had to smirk myself.

"About yay high, cute as a button, anger issues." Rebekah butts in.

"Davina? Where have you seen her?" Sophie questions.

"I don't know, the little brat erased my memory after she threw me out of a window with her bloody mind-"

"Lets cut to the chase." Klaus intervenes. "Davina has Elijah, You witches want to get Davina away from Marcel we don't know where she is so we need magic."

This Davina girl must be hella powerful to sense when a witch is using magic. That's actually very smart of what Marcel is doing but also very stupid. If Marcel and her are close and she finds out that he is just using her that could end very very bad.

For him.

"I can see if I can track her because knowing Klaus he would kill her in a heartbeat if he ever got the chance." Hayley nods her head in agreement and I rush out of the house noticing that the conversation was starting to end.

I walk around New Orleans until nightfall and I was tired. Looking for this girl was starting to become not worth it until I finally spot Marcel heading into a church. I smile and wait for him to exit the church and once he does I walk in myself.

As soon as my foot takes a step into the church my body shivers and the breath is knocked out of me. Okay, I heard she was powerful but not this much where I can't breathe. She's here she just has to be.

Some steps catch my eye on the side of the church and I walk up them. Doors were on either side of me and one of the doors was wide open. Before I could even step in the room I'm stopped by a hard force, smashing my nose into the barrier.

"This is getting ridiculous." I huff to myself.

Rubbing my nose while looking up I see a young girl, a teenager, looking at me. Her eyes were hardened and her hands were sprouted out at me defensively. Her light blue eyes were now darkened as she continued to look at me and her long brown hair rested on her shoulders. Her petite frame made her look defenseless but god forbid that.

You could tell she could crush you with the flick of her wrist.

"You're the girl they're looking for. You've got to be kidding me." The way that they were talking about her made her seemed like she was older and more fierce. I'm not saying she isn't fierce but I could see right through her act that she was scared. The worst part was I wasn't expecting her to be a 16 maybe 17-year-old girl. 

 "How did you find me." She demands.

 I continue to stare at her until I snapped out of my trance. "Your little friend Marcel should be more aware of his surroundings." 

 She continues to look at me and my cold blue eyes stare right back at hers. She knew that my humanity was off and by the look on her face she was having none of it. I look around the room and spot a casket, I smile and look at her. 

 "So you have him. Keep him in there." She gives me a surprised look and slowly lowers her hands to her sides. 

 "Arent you here for him though? Working for them?" I snorted at her and then look back at the casket. 

 "They wish I was working for them, seeing how easily I found you which is quite sad. That man, on the other hand, made me give my word to him for certain reasons of course." She looks at me hesitantly. "Look, I'm not here to hurt you. Hell, I have no intention of hurting you. But they do."

 She sighs, "You can come in."

 My eyebrows raise up as I feel the barrier allowing me to enter through it gracefully. Getting a better look around the room a bed sits in the corner with a couch and some dressers. One thing that stood out was a painting that she was currently working on. 

 "So you're the harvest girl?" She tenses up and hardens her eyes again at me.

 "Damn, I was just asking." I poke the bear once again. "What even happened?"

 She looks at me and sees my curious face knowing I wasn't going to leave until she gave me a response. Sighing she relaxes her muscles and sits on her bed.

 "We thought that all of us would be fine. That it was going to be a beautiful ceremony. Instead what we got was a knife to our neck held by one of the elders who slit our throats one by one. I was the only one that was lucky enough who got away. Marcel saved me from getting..." Tears poke at the corners of her eyes as I watch not knowing what to do.

"Once he saved you, you knew you had to repay him back."

"Yea, but now everyone from different corners of the street are trying to kill me all because I didn't want to be killed myself. I can't even go outside without being spotted and almost getting myself killed. I just want to be a kid, I want to fall in love and I want to go to parties. But I can't even live my life."

 I was stunned. I didn't know what to do and I sure as hell didn't know what to say. So I did what humans do to comfort each other. 

 I hugged her.

 I instantly felt her relax into my shoulder and I could feel her shuddering as she cried into it. I held onto her rubbing her back as she gasped for air before continuing to let tears fall from her face. 

 I knew in that moment I couldn't let her get hurt, especially get killed. She didn't deserve it nor did she do anything wrong. She was just a teenager that to a point was broken mentally. "I can try to keep them at bay for the time being, but I don't know for how long."

 "Really?" She pulled back. 

 I nod to her as he pulls me into a hug.

 "Thank you."

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