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 Emperor Won Youngbae was a handsome ruler, with many followers but was also very popular with the ladies? He was a tall man, the normal completion of an eastern man, long black hair, beautiful black eyes, soft lips, and well-defined features. Among women, he is known as a dashing man with many charms that he didn't try too hard to use. As the emperor of Won, he has many concubines to serve him, and whenever he gets bored with them, he can get new ones. The women who served him were nothing but beautiful. Especially his favorite concubine lady Jane. Lady Jane was considered his favorite because she was beautiful and loyal, but she was also hated by the others in the palace because she treated them as if she were better than them. Lady Jane was an average height woman with long light red hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, freckles that she covered with makeup and a nice figure. It was hard to say otherwise though because she was in the emperor's favor the most often. Other ladies just dealt with it as much as they could. The only thing keeping them from leaving the palace was the fact that they all had an equal chance of becoming empress. The current emperor is 25 and took over the throne at 19 after his father died. His mother gave him the chance to choose his bride freely, however, after 3 years of not picking a bride and only relying on concubines for the physical pleasure his mother grew tired of waiting. The Empress mother took matters into her own hands by decreeing: The first woman to conceive and deliver the emperor's child will marry the emperor and be crowned empress consort. That was what made most of the women go to the palace in the first place. It was a crazy battle between these women, even driving people as far as to find ways to make the people who might be pregnant lose their child in some way. When this was first announced, women feared Jane would become empress because she was the most favored by his majesty. However, because she had been with him so many times and had failed to conceive, they all felt equal to her. Jane hated being on the same level as everyone else so she did everything she could to prevent anyone from taking her chance at the throne as well as the favor of the emperor.

Life in the palace had its issues but it also had its benefits and there are people who would give anything to live the life of a noble and never have to worry about anything. One of these people lived in poverty and was a young lady named Luna Pain. Luna is only 21 years of age but is very mature and intelligent despite not growing up with the best the world had to offer. Luna is another average height woman with a very filled out body, darker brown skin, dark brown eyes, long, thick hair, and full lips. While nobles had servants do their bidding, Luna grew up doing things on her own. It started as soon as she could walk, she did choirs, ran errands, and everything her parents told her with no arguments because she knew it was how she was to live. If she didn't do it, there was a chance it wouldn't get done. Between herself and her mother, she would do things so her mother wouldn't have to. Her father was useless to no end, pretty much a dead weight she and her mother had to carry constantly. In all reality they would be able to live a decent life if it were not for him, meaning the reason they were scraping the bottoms of the barrel to make ends meet was him. Her father had problems with drinking and gambling. He quite a loser as well, if he "won" a game it was because he cheated in some way. He was not smart enough to do it often either, he only did it when big money was playing. Meaning a rich man and even if he won it was not much. It was a dangerous thing though, Luna often worried about what would happen if he got caught cheating. These men don't play to be cheated they play to win. For her to not know what would become of her father if he ever got caught worried Luna. No matter how much of dead beet he is, he is still her father and she can't change that. It's not really for herself but for her mother who has loved her father since they were children. No matter what her father has done in the past or the hell they suffer from his problems now She still never left his side which Luna didn't understand. He was not only and drunk, a gambler, and a Liar but he was not loyal to save his own life. He has affairs behind his family's back and thinks they don't know but they do. Luna just doesn't get why her mother just lets it happen, however, her mother still refuses to leave him. Even with all this craziness in her life Luna still turned out well, however she like many kids in poverty had to grow up faster than those born with average privileges. She was very smart in both books and the streets meaning she could be a scholar if she wanted. She loved to read and write but that was not all. She was also a skilled fighter in hand to hand combat as well as weapons. She was not someone to mess with and that is why she is so special.

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