chapter 7

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Unexpected update ;)

» After School «

"Soooooooooo." Dav says as he lays on my stomach while we are watching tv.

"What bruhh?" I say jokingly.

"Don't call me bruhh, nigga." He laughs.

"And why not?" I ask hovering over him with a slight smile.

"Cause bruhhs don't do this." He grabs my face and kisses me rough and bites my lip.

"I'm not gonna lie, I liked that." I say playing with his hair.

"Well after I finish talking to you about something you'll get more." He says while sitting up.

"Yay, okay talk to me!" I say smiling.

"Listen, I love you. You know that, right?" He begins.

"Yeah." I say nodding.

"Well Shiana isn't good to be around baby. Especially if you beated her girlfriend up. You know her big mouth, she could be dropping bombs bout some of your personal shit." He looks me in my eyes. I decide to tell him what I heard Kat say in the bathroom.

"Okay but, I heard Kat talking to some girls talking bout she needs someone to get close to me and help her cause I can't take you from her. I think the girl was Shiana." I get heated, it has to be Shiana. Now that I think of it she came in lunch after I finished listening to their conversation.

"This is what we are gonna do, stop talking to Shiana. And keep your distance." Dav says holding me.

"That's the thing D I don't wanna be a chicken anymore. I always ran away from my problems, I don't want to do that anymore. The new Eboni isn't afraid anymore." I say facing him. He nods. "Can I get more of that you were talking bout earlier now?" I ask in between kisses.

"You sure can!" He picks me up and we run upstairs. We lay in his and bed and start making out. But Dav stops after awhile.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I can't." He says.

"You started it." I roll my eyes. "Whatever. I'm going downstairs." I say while slamming the door.

"Listen. Calm down." He says coming downstairs. Ignore. "That's how we are gonna treat each other now." He asks. Ignore. "You're always so stubborn, even before we went out."

"You were acting like I wanted sex. We were just making out. You really think after I was raped I would want sex? Let's be real, you're my bestfriend. You're suppose understand me. Maybe we should stay bestfriends." That last part came out and I didn't mean it. All this bullshit is getting to my head.

"You don't mean that." Dav says coming close to me. I look the other way. He grabs my face. "Fuck it." He says as he shoves his pink lips on mine.

"I didn't mean it. I just got everything on my mind. I don't want to go to school tomorrow." I sigh.

"Okay let's not. We'll stay here." He says turning the tv on.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Of course." He says climbing on top of me. I lay my head on his chest and we watch my favorite movie, End of Watch.

"Awwwww! Why they shoot my nigga!" Dav yells at the tv.

"Calm down!" I yell at him. After the movie we eat junk food and go lay down. Dav takes his shirt of to sleep, I can't help but stare.

"Don't worry bae you gonna have all this to lay with tomorrow." He says with a smirk. I giggle and lay down on his chest and eventually fall asleep.

» Shiana's POV «

So I called Eboni's father to talk to him about Eboni. He said she left, and is plotting against her and Dav. So I decided maybe we should make business together. Right now were in the living room talking.

"So why don't you like Eboni again?" He asks.

"She beat my girlfriend up." I reply.

"Okay what do you want to do to her?"

"Kat wants her to be embarrassed and then dead. Think we can do it?" I ask.

"Easy." He smiles.

» Next Morning «

~ Eboni's POV ~

I woke up to Dav tightly holding my waist as my head lays on his bare chest. It feels so good, but I have this bad feeling I have to tell Dav about.

"Babe." No answer.

"Dav!" No answer.

"DAVONTE!" I yell, calling him by his real name.

"Ebonique." He says, doing the same to me.

"Are you up now?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He groans while stretching. "What's wrong?"

"I dont know why, but I got this feeling something bad is going to happen." I sigh.

"Well nothing bad is happening if I'm around." He says grabbing my waist towards him. I lay closer to him and we fall back asleep.

* 2:00 pm *

I wake up to Dav shaking me.

"Huh?" I say fluttering my eyes.

"Someone's calling your phone babe." He says. I pick my phone up and look at who it is, it's Shiana. I look at Dav and lock my phone. Then my phone vibrates indicating I got a text. Again it's Shiana.

Shiana: Why weren't you at school today?

Me: Didn't feel like it, why ?

She didn't text back. I got out the bed and brushed my teeth, when I get back out the bathroom I see Dav watching tv. He looks at me and waves me over, I come and sit on his lap and we watch Wild N' Out together. After awhile I get bored cause I seen most of these episodes already. I go to the bathroom and while walking back to the room I hear knocking so I go to open the door. It's Shiana.

"Hey best friend." She smirks, then she tries to punch me. Did this bitch forget I do boxing? I punch her square in the face. That's when I feel man hands grab me and throw me outside.

"Dav!" I yell as I get thrown in a truck.

» Dav's POV «

Eboni had went to the bathroom and was taking a little longer then usual. Then I heard scream my name. I ran to the door and saw her being thrown in a truck. I look who's driving it and it's Eboni's dad. Shit.

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