chapter 15

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- Dav's POV -

I'm on the way to Eboni's house right now. I wasn't playing when I said I was on my way. I'm on the way from the airport. Hopefully, I make it before Dwayne does anything to Eb. I have to save her, I love her.

* Eboni's POV *

It's like you're screaming, and no one can hear.

You almost feel ashamed. That someone could be that important. That without them, you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless; like nothing can save you. And when it's over, and it's gone. You almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back. So that you could have the good

"So you set me up." I say mad.

"From the first time I met you on the plane." Dwayne says.

"I trusted you. I told you everything." I yell walking towards him.

"You didn't have to tell me anything I already knew." He says walking closer to me.

"I hate you. With all my heart." I say as I punch him. He starts hitting me back until a familiar voice stops him.

"I got it from here." I look up to see my dad. I sigh.

"What, you didn't miss me pumpkin?" He asks.

"Not at all." I mumble as I sit on the bed. He doesn't say anything he just stares me down. I look down at myself. I'm wearing a white tank top with black leggings.

"What?" I say breaking the silence.

"Your body.." He says. I get up and try to leave but Dwayne stops me.

"You're not going anywhere. Boss made it clear... he wants you to be dead." Dwayne says looking dead in my eyes.

"Just kill me then." I say giving up. I'm done, this is my last resort.

"It's not that easy Eb." He tells me and lets go.

"Oh and Ebonique, if you try to leave you'll die." Dwayne says. I look at him. He smirks. I actually fell for him, he made me feel safe.

"Dwayne, can I talk to you?" I ask him. I have a plan that might save me. He looks at me then my dad, my dad nods. Dwayne walks with me to the guest room.

"Wha-" I cut him off by kissing him. He doesn't stop me, he deepens the kiss and lays me on the bed. I rip his shirt off and he rips mine off. Dwayne starts kissing me all over and sucking on my neck.

"Wait." He says.

"What." I say.

"Eboni I did catch feelings for you, I love you. I'll help you but, we have to finish this first. I'm sorry I hit you." He whispers to me.

"I love you too." I say then grab him into another kiss. Dwayne flips us over so he's on the bottom. I grind on him and kiss all on his chest. He takes the rest of my clothes off and passionately kisses me again. We pull from the kiss and get interupted by the door being busted open. It was my dad.

"I should've known this would happen, you kids and your feelings." He sighs. Dwayne looks at him in disgust. My dad pulls a gun out and aims it at me. Right when his finger hits the trigger Dwayne rolls us off the bed. He misses. We get up and Dwayne knocks the gun out my dad's hand. My dad slams Dwayne into the hall. He punches Dwayne causing him to stumble an fall. I pick the gun up and aim at my dad. I hold the gun steady, close my eyes and pull the trigger. Bang! I open my eyes and see my dad holding his arm. I drop the gun and pull Dwayne in the room.

"Are you ok?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Let's get our clothes on. You're dad was inviting company. More people are coming, you have to be ready." He tells me looking in my eyes. I put my clothes on and so does Dwayne. We walk out the room together but my dad isn't there. I take the chance and go down stairs with Dwayne on my heels. When I turn the corner to go in the living room I get pistol whipped and everything turns black.






I wake up and I'm in my spare room downstairs, tied to a chair.

"So you're up!" I hear a familiar voice. I look at the door to see Shiana.

"That ass beating I gave you didn't teach you huh?" I ask her.

"I got addicted to you. Now we can have this the easy way or the hard way. Easy way being we fuck and you die. Or the hard way, I fuck your shit up and your dad finishes you up." She says coming closer.

"I want the hard way." I say.

"Fine with me. I'l just untie you.." She comes and unties me. I stand up in front of her and punch her jaw then knee her stomach. I'm so tired of this bitch now. I lock the door on the outside so she can't get out. I hear a commotion upstairs so I go up there.

* Dav's POV *

I got to Ebonique's house but I was too late. When I get in the house I was greeted by a familiar face, Eboni's father.

"So you're still trying to be the hero." He says.

"And you're still being the ass you always been." I say.

"Shut the fuck up." He punches me then drags me upstairs. When we get into a room we get into it. I punch him repeatedly then he pushes me into the dresser. Then the door opens. I see Eboni walk in. I get up and walk to her.

"Eb, I missed you." I say as I hug her.

"I missed you too." She says hugging me tightly. I can feel her crying on my shoulder. We get interupted when her dad shoots me in my back. I drop to the ground.

"You really thought you were going to take Eboni from me, again and get away with it." He says to me.

"Y-you're not going t-to hurt her." I say in pain.

"Watch me." He says. But before he can do anything Eboni beats him to it. She grabs the gun and puts the tip to her head.

"Eboni don't do it." I tell her. It's too late, she pulls the trigger.

"No." I cry. There's no doubt she's gone.

- Eboni's POV -

I swear to God I just want to slit my wrists and end this bullshit. Throw the Magnum to my head, threaten to pull shit. And squeeze, until the bed's, completely red. I'm glad I'm dead, a worthless fuckin' buddah head. The stress is buildin' up, I can't, I can't believe suicide's on my fuckin' mind

I want to leave, I swear to God I feel like death is fuckin' callin' me.

I was done. If they want to kill me they should have just done it. I ended it myself and everything went black. It felt like all my worries and problems went away..

The End.

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