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(Day 11, 1st day of Alaska)

There's not much to do right now but get up and eat. I enjoy eating, except over eating makes me get really nervous because i'm on the edge of gaining almost ten pounds since the tour started. I really need to start exercising more and everything.. Ever since I got counseling for my whole not eating problem I've been pretty good. Actually I've been eating great! But now having Niall as a boyfriend I really don't know if I should loose a couple because who wants a chubby girlfriend... I wonder what he thinks when he looks at me. I always get self conscious around him and I try not to. Some days I don't care and some day I do. Maybe i'm bipolar again..

"What would you like to eat today?" The waitress asked politely. 

"I'll just have yogurt, eggs, and a side of bacon." I don't really enjoy syrup at this time in the morning. Beatrice was still sleeping but I like to get up in the morning early. It seems like I'm wasting time of my day. The waitress came back with my food and I started to eat. I remembered I haven't texted Niall since last nights phone call. I really miss him. He's the first thing I think of when I wake up, and the last thing I think of when I go to sleep. Our conversation went on for awhile.

"hey, goodmorning, how'd you sleep? xx" I sent.

"Eh, I didn't sleep that great knowing you're far away. I'm leaving california for toronto today, hopefully youll be near me next trip you go on. when are you leaving alaska? xx"

"Tomorrow night. I hope you make it there safe. xx"

"I will. i'll text you right when we get off the plane i promise. xx"

It's cute how we use an xx after each text. The conversation went on for a bit, and then ended when his phone died. I was finished with breakfast by then anyway so I paid the check and left the tip bundling up to endure the outside temp.

It wasn't that bad but there was bit of a breeze. It was dark and gloomy today because it seemed like there were thunder storms coming. It kind of sucks because I was hoping to go out today. I put my hood up and ran down the road back to the hotel while the rain was slowly drizzling and speeding up to a down pour. I put the key in the door and walked in.

Beatrice was still sleeping so I decided to wake her up. 

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP THE TIME IS 10." I yelled pouncing on her body under the sheets. I clicked the button on the side wall and the shades flung up revealing rain rolling down the glass.

"No." Bea moaned putting the pillow over her head. That's it.

I took the sheets off her bed and threw them on the floor. 

"SOPH STOP IT. IT IS NOT CAMP ANYMORE." She moaned under the pillow. 

In summer camp I was always the first one up so the counslers would count on me to wake anybody up still in bed. They always gave me permission to pull off their bed spreads and sometimes even threaten them with a bucket of water. That always got them up.

"What do you want to do today? It's raining. Let's do something like we used to do on rainy day schedule." I said excitedly at the end of her bed. Rainy day schedule was when we all would go down from our bunks to the gymnastics and just play games or listen to our ipods and just chill out. 

"Like what? Apples to apples? That game was so boring." She replied sitting up rubbing her eyes.

"Yes! Please please please!" 

"Fine." She said giving into my childness.

We played apples to apples and after 2 hours of playing it got pretty boring.

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