𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂 - a first chapter

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baby - a first chapter.

your p.o.v.

I got a call from my mom's friend who lived a few streets away, asking me to babysit her son Tyler while her husband took her on a date. of course I said yes, because what teenager doesn't need some extra money?

after telling my parents where I was going, I put on an old cropped t-shirt and some pyjama shorts because it was six already, and I was gonna be there until midnight.

it was only a few minutes' walk to Tyler's house, and once I had arrived I saw that his parents had already left. on the kitchen counter was an envelope holding a hundred bucks and a sticky note with both their cell numbers in case an emergency happened.

"(Y/N)!" Tyler called out as he ran from upstairs. he hugged my torso; his fleece Super Mutant Ninja Turtles pj pants rubbing against my freshly shaven legs.

I ruffled his slightly soggy hair. "hey, bud! you wanna watch a movie?"

he nodded enthusiastically, and asked me to make him mac 'n cheese for dinner. he was only nine, so of course I wasn't judging him-- I would've picked the same thing. so I told him to choose the movie on Netflix, and pulled the sauce pan out from a cabinet near the stove.

Tyler had made his decision. he raced into the kitchen to proudly announce that he'd chosen 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi'. he grinned in excitement, and by doing so displayed the several teeth he was missing-- which included both of his front ones.

I couldn't keep myself from smiling back, and congratulated him. we talked a little more on the couch as the movie started, about his day at school and my day of doing absolutely nothing because I was on summer break.

eventually, I realised that the water must've been boiling, so I told him to keep watching while I cooked his pasta. sure enough, the water was almost bubbling over the brim of the pot when I checked it. I lowered the heat setting and started searching the pantry for the cheese powder packets.

"(Y/N)? do you know these people?" I heard Tyler ask urgently, over the background noise of the movie's sound effects.

I figured he was playing a pretend game, but I was focused on finding those packets, so I subconsciously rolled my eyes. "what are you talking about, Ty?"

"no, no she doesn't," I heard a male voice say from the living room.

whipping my head around and getting off my tiptoes, I was confronted by a gun awfully close to my skull.

"sorry to interrupt dinner," said a silver haired girl very sarcastically.

I was shaking. "w-who are y-you?" I asked meekly. "why are you in this house?"

"it's okay, baby girl, relax. we just broke in, is all."

"T-Tyler! where are you?" I called out urgently.

the girl pressed her gun into my temple. "listen to me, princess. if you don't want anything to happen to that kid, you're gonna follow our instructions very closely."

I nodded, feeling a tear run down my cheek.

she put a hand on my shoulder and guided me into the living room, where a brown haired man was holding Tyler down on his knees beside the couch.

"(Y/N), what's going on? I'm scared," he whimpered.

I sucked in a deep breath. "it's gonna be okay, we're okay."

nobody in the room was convinced by my words.

"this's the only other person in the house?" the man asked.

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