𝓫𝓪𝓫𝓮 - a ninth chapter

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babe - a ninth chapter.

your pov.

"nice to meet you, (Y/N)!" one of the women on the couch said with a polite smile.

i blinked at her several times as i attempted to gather a response. "h-how do you know who i am?"

"babe, you're Billie's new thing. more like how could we not know?" commented the girl beside her. after this, they began to talk to each other again and disregarded my presence.

a million thoughts were swimming around in my head. i'm the new girl? does that mean there were girls before me? boys? how many? why didn't anyone tell me about them?

"(Y/N)!" Dani grunted exasperatedly, waving her extravagantly manicured hands in front of my face.

i focused my attention on her face. i must have been staring off somewhere while she was talking to me.

"boo, you needa chill, okay? the big kids are just handling sum shit right now."

Noah walked closer. "yeah, (Y/N). there's no reason to freak out, this is pretty routine. why don't we watch a movie?"

i agreed, only so that i could occupy myself in hopes of preventing these manic thoughts.

we decided on watching Shrek. I hadn't seen the movie in several years so i'd forgotten most of the plot. at first, my mind would drift to what was going on in the rest of the house, but quickly the TV would catch my attention again.

every now and then, the movie would faze out and i would begin to wonder what was happening on the other side of the door. was Billie okay?

jesus christ, (Y/N), she's your kidnapper. you're starving and dehydrated because of her. why do you care? i didn't know why. or i couldn't bear to admit it to myself.

i looked down at my knees. they were red and raw from the polished hardwood flooring i'd been forced to remain on all night, with my arms outstretched above me. my entire body ached.

"hey, Noah? can i maybe take a nap?" i asked, looking quickly to the girl beside me who only nodded without taking her eyes off the screen.

i laid down along the back edge of the couch, relishing the feeling of my body against soft, supportive fabric. almost instantly, my eyes were closed and i drifted into the world of dreams.


i felt two arms around me as i opened my eyes. my body had woken with a start a few seconds ago and i was incredibly disoriented. i couldn't put together where exactly i was.

"good to see you, babe," grumbled a deep voice. not Billie's voice. where is Billie?

i peered up at the face of Jack, who had me in his arms. "you're safe, (Y/N). i'm just bringing you back to your room, everything's fine. Billie just has... something else to attend to right now."

"what happened?" i asked, with slowness to my speech because i was groggy.

his jaw clenched and his tone became serious. "nothing you need to worry about."

we reached Billie's room after a few minutes of uncomfortable, long silence. he placed me on the bed, and i expected him to leave, but he reached for the shackles.

i tried to plead with him, trying to look into his eyes as i desperately squirmed. "Jack, please, my arms hurt so much already."

he shook his head, avoiding my eyes as he clasped the cuffs around my wrists. "Billie's orders. if you weren't locked up when she came in both of our asses would be seriously beat."

"please, Jack." i finally managed to hold eye contact.

he had a sympathetic glint to his stern gaze, but still shook his head. "no, (Y/N). i'm sorry."

he closed the door as he left, once again leaving me alone. i missed Billie so much, even though i knew she'd only hurt me when she came back. but she's the only thing i have left.

i couldn't say how long i sat silently in that bedroom. the blackout curtains stopped me from being able to determine the time of day. but eventually, the door creaked open.

i caught eyes with a familiar blue. they glinted in the lamp light. i smiled slightly, before taking in her appearance.

she had on an oversized brown tracksuit with the playboy logo across the chest of the top. around the sleeves and knees were marks of splattered red. my stomach dropped.


my concern didn't process with her. she moved quickly towards me to press her lips to mine.
"hello baby!"

"Billie what happened? is everyone okay?"

her eyes didn't leave mine. "i missed you so much today. just wanted to be here in bed with you, but i had tons of work to do."

i tried to grab her attention, but it was like she was on autopilot and didn't hear me. it felt like i wasn't even talking.

"you look so pretty like this, tied up for me, princess," she said with a grin, as her fingers danced up my arms to unlock the cuffs.

i slumped into her arms. i couldn't bother asking any more questions. might as well just give her what she wants.

"is my little baby tired?" Billie cooed between kisses to my neck.

i nodded hesitantly, wondering if she wanted more from me than i had the energy to give. but she only assured me that i could go to sleep right there as she missed me so much. she leaned against the headboard and adjusted me into her lap.

her fingers ran through my hair as she gently massaged my scalp. my eyes eventually closed and i relaxed into her warm, soothing touch.

"my pretty baby," Billie said hushedly. "sleep well, tomorrow is gonna be so big for you! you get to meet our new housemate. she just arrived today."

my calmed breaths caught in my throat. i was no longer tired.

hi everyone!! i'm a junior this year and school is taking up all of my free time. i'm so so sorry. i literally can't promise an update schedule at all, so please be patient with me. i hope you understand. i'm trying my hardest to write when i do have the time(which is rare), and chapters may be a little shorter because of this.
- all the love in the world to u❤️❤️

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