𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 - a third chapter

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(literally 6 days after Krispycr3am asked me to update lmao I'm so sorry)
princess - a third chapter.

Billie's p.o.v.

I watched her stir from sleep. she was wrapped in my red silk sheets and cotton comforter, the edge pulled up above her chin. light from my windows filtered through the blinds and speckled across her face; little dots tracing her cheekbone. her eyelids fluttered just a bit, and her lips twitched gently. she looked like an angel.

I saw her eyelids crack open slowly, scanning her immediate surroundings before landing on my face. she furrowed her brows, rubbing her eyes, before relaxing once again.

"Billie?" her voice croaked lightly. it brought a smile to my face unconsciously.

"good morning, princess."

she sat up against the pillows I'd stacked. "Billie, where am I?"

I sighed. "you're home, (Y/N). this is my-- I mean, our room."

"oh, right." she seemed like she was satisfied with my half-lie, which was strange to me. I'd kind of expected her to bolt out the door.

"it's almost ten. do you want some breakfast?"

she nodded enthusiastically. "yes, please. I'm starving."

I gave her the bra she was wearing yesterday to put on under my clothes, and we took the elevator downstairs.

several of the members were congregated at the kitchen island. I held (Y/N)'s hand tightly, staring down the guys who I already knew would eye her up like fresh meat. we walked right to the fridge, and I tried my best to use to door to block her from their curious gaze.

"what d'you want for breakfast, angel?" I asked her quietly.

"cereal?" she replied hesitantly. I nodded, which made her relax just a little bit. I could tell that I brought her comfort.

I reached on my tiptoes to get the Chex box, then got out a bowl and poured her cereal before handing over a spoon.

we took the two empty seats at the breakfast bar. I guided (Y/N) to the one farthest from my friends, on the end. she mostly kept her eyes down as she ate quietly.

"so this is Billie's new toy, huh?" Tony asked.

I rolled my eyes. "not a toy, a hostage. but okay."

(Y/N) stopped eating to look at me with hurt in her eyes. but she quickly resumed when she knew she wouldn't get the reaction she wanted until we were alone.

"cute one," Tony said. "perhaps you're willing to share? Camilla and I've been looking for something to... spice things up."

there was an abrupt choking noise that came from (Y/N). we all turned to stare at her, to which she grimaced awkwardly. "I'm sorry."

"yeah, that's not happening. you'd literally rip her apart. and she's gay, anyway."

eventually, almost everyone cleared out, and my friend Danielle came in. she wasn't exactly a part of our group, but she was cleared to come in pretty much whenever. I really appreciated it because, before yesterday when I got (Y/N), I was the only teenage girl in the operation. and while she's not exactly involved in it, she still sleeps with me and is there for me like a good pet. wait no, I mean partner. relationship partner.

"who the fuck is this?" Dani asked, looking between (Y/N) and I skeptically.

"this is (Y/N). got her yesterday."

she smiled slightly at (Y/N), who bit her lip and glanced at me, as if asking for approval to talk to her. I nodded encouragingly.

"h-hi," she said quietly, smiling too. "it's nice to meet you."

Dani cooed at her shy demeanor, before glancing at her body from head to toe. "she's so cute, Bil! I need me a bitch like this, goddamn. she's hot too."

I knew where this was going, and I immediately groaned. "leave her alone, Dani. she just fuckin woke up."

"whatever. I'm here to talk to Frank anyway." with that, Dani walked right out of the kitchen.

I looked over at (Y/N), who seemed a little startled. she blinked at me with worry behind her glassy eyes.

so I took her back upstairs and let her shower. while she was in the bathroom, I took her phone from her pile of old clothes and smashed it by throwing it down onto the porch below from my balcony. hopefully, nobody had tracked her yet. oh shit.

"thank you for letting me use your stuff," (Y/N) said.

I turned around, licking my lips at the sight. she was wearing only the thin towel I'd provided, allowing me to see the outline of her curves, and erect nipples. I'm guessing it was a rather cold shower. "of course, princess. lo que es mío es tuyo."

she stared down at our feet, cheeks heating up as she smiled abashedly. "I shouldn't, but I like it here. I really like it here."

that made my guts twist just a bit. she knew what was wrong, but she pushed it to the side because of her feelings, and that made me feel a type of way. all mushy and shit.

we both just stood on the balcony, in silence. her head was on my shoulder, and I watched the warm breeze nip at her wet skin and make her damp hair sway. it was perfect.

"Los Angeles Police Department; put your hands in the air!"

please vote & comment if you enjoyed! ily! 💕
(new part coming soon, i'm sorry for the cliffhanger lmao)

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