Jersey the watchout

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"You know who her father is?" London my cousin asked when I got back to the Ps.

"Nah but I ain't even coming for her like that she just cool people that's all. She way out my league" I sat on the bench eyes glued to all activities going on around me. With London facing the opposite direction. I ate on some sunflower seeds that I got from Killa the morning before. She always did that. Never asked. Never once asked for my name. Was I hungry. Did I even eat. She just gave without asking. Without talking most times. She never judged me either.

"That's Garnet daughter. These niggas over here keep a close eye on her and her mother. Be careful don't want to be on Garnet bad side. Ever." He spoke with fear as I rolled my eyes.

"London every day I face bad shit. Worse shit than anything living and breathing like myself. I fear starvation and infection that's it." I said as I whistled three times letting the hood know the same car had spinned the block three times. The bird call that came back let me know it was safe to go to school since the hood was shutting down for the next few hours. I can still make it to breakfast if I left now.

"Montana" Ashley said calling me by my street moniker, walking over to my desk at ten years old she act like a grown woman but I wasn't interested. I actually paid attention in class because nobody else gave a fuck about me. My teachers and Killa. The only people who ever fucked with me genuinely.

"Wassup Ash" I looked at her as she looked me up and down with clear disgust.

"I'm going to talk to my brother about paying you more because those shoes they not cutting it." Her and her girls laughed as I looked around at everybody looking at my ran over sneakers.

"I pay bills. Don't have time to buy sneakers." I said as the teacher looked between us two.

"Ashley can you step in the hallway... Now!" She walked off with steam coming from her ears. "Matter of fact apologize right now. This second. Not only apologize when you go home ask your brother to pay a tutor more so you can actually pass a math exam in this classroom. Get your things and meet me in the hallway when your done." She walked out. I wasn't the least bit embarrassed I knew my story. Nobody in this bitch knew what it took being the child to some addicts but I did and I survived every day.

"My mother off today we going to see my father tomorrow so are you hungry?" Killa asked for the first time as we stood in the corner store where I had followed her like a lost puppy.

"Nah. I'm good." I said as she looked up from the chips in her hand. Biting her lip and rolling her small eyes that hid behind long lashes

"You so annoying. I don't care if you're hungry Brownie. I'm hungry too that's why I'm asking. You be in the window late whistling or whatever it is you do. Your going to get hungry." She said before tossing the salt and vinegar chips at me. I never knew I even liked the shits until she start giving them to me. "Let's get a sandwich or should we get pizza?" She asked. This the most she ever said to me.

"Do my shoes bother you?" I asked as she turned to look at me. Curly hair pulled into a neat ponytail full lips shiny. She tilted her head to the side.

"Do I look like I worry myself with things like shoes?" She asked never looking down at my feet. "Pizza or sandwiches? My mother don't come home for a few more hours and I'm sure to starve." She turned around heading to the drink coolers. I followed behind her as always. Just like I was gone eat whatever she decided. She was always in charge although I knew I was more dominant around her I never felt the need to be.

"Do that hurt your side?" Killa asked looking down and the gun on my hip as we walked to our ducked off stairwell spot. Truth is I never had to use it but I kept work for the local Dboys in my crib and let's just say if anybody made a wrong move I'd use it that day. "Better to be safe with it than lacking without it." Geez, the big homie, always said.
"Nah not really. I'm use to it." I pulled it out to ogle over it as I often did. "What you know about guns?" I asked as she rolled her eyes like I was from planet simpleton.
"Is it a 38?" She asked looking deep into my eyes as I smirked.
"Nah ma this a glock 40." I said sitting down wasting no time to go in on my sandwich. She stared at it for a moment before finally unwrapping her sandwich.

"Jersey if she don't like you for you then you shouldn't be her friend. Real friends don't care about things they can't help change." She balled up her sandwich wrapper and stood up. We set in the pissy stairwell eating together quietly.

"I got you..." I looked into her eyes as I spoke "so I don't need other friends." I said as I watched her stand grabbing all her trash out the already trashy walkway.

"Yes you do. I want be here forever. I'm going off to college to be a doctor. I'm going to get married and have three kids. Bentley, Aly, and Peyton." She smiled big. "I won't be here forever Jersey but until then. I got you." She hugged me before disappearing behind the door going home. Leaving me to myself once again.
I dreaded going home but look like I didn't have a choice. As soon as I stepped into my house the smell of burning plastic, crack, and Newport's hit my nose. Life was shitty now but it wouldn't last forever. I was a real hustler. Ten years living the life that others only could portray even in these same Ps.

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