Chapter 9

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I walked around my room looking for my other Balanciaga sneaker. I was already running late finally taking my one sneaker off I just grabbed the ones that look like socks. Fuck it. Rushing out the house I hopped in my car. It was hot as all fuck inside my car and it was only 7 in the morning.

It had been four weeks since I went did some crazy ass shit. Still didn't feel guilty. Jersey had me open like a book. One night was all it took for me to know I didn't want to be without him EVER again. It's nothing we didn't do that night. No way was I gone be the only one walking away sprung as fuck.

"Moooom." I said walking through my parents door three hours later. "Mom where are you?" I looked in their fridge grabbing a shmuckers pb&J out the fridge. My favorite.

"Lil girl why you in my house yelling?" Kior, my beautiful mom, said walking around the corner. "And eating my favorite sandwiches." She said with a smirk. My mom looked like money. Hair pressed out. Fitted dress hugging her curves. Diamonds in her ear gleaming. I was literally my mom reflection.

"I need your advice." I said pacing. "You not gone believe this."

"You skipping town with Jersey?" She asked opening her pb&j. I looked at her with my mouth open. "What girl I'm not dumb. I knew that was coming three months ago at your birthday. The way he looked at you all night Q could never." She shook her head "they put crack in these damn things." She shook her head.

"Q hasn't been home all month claiming he's working on this case." I sighed more confused than ever.

"You haven't been home either Killa" she emphasized Killa causing me to blush.

"How you know that?" I asked sitting on the counter she shook her head.

"Now you know damn well your father keep detail on you baby girl. Don't even act like you didn't know his crazy ass don't keep up with his one and only baby." She blushed. She was so soft on my pops. "So you been with Jersey for a whole month seem like you've made your choice. Plus I like him better." She shrugged "Q is not your type nor this family type" she rolled her eyes.

"Do you like him enough for him to be your son in law?" I looked under hooded lids she smirked.

"When the license come back slick ass." I smirked. It's nothing my mother didn't know about me and if she didn't know she'd for sure find out. "Your father is going to be pissed when he find out that boy ain't came here to speak with him." She looked up at me. I smirked thinking of Jersey full lips and deep eyes.

"Well if you must know the license is back already but we are going to do it the right way when the time come." I said as she jerked her head back.

"Yani you married a man that you're not even with. What kind of millennial shit is this?" I sighed shrugging.

"Idk mom we kind of moved off impulse. It's like we knew. We knew that we were soul mates. So I guess the marriage is a book mark. A reminder to come back to this chapter when we pick the book up again. I can't move to New York right this minute. I'm a teacher, a friend, a... spouse." I mumbled the last part.

"Ohh no the hell you ain't a spouse. Dump that nigga like yesterday. Jersey plan to wait how long for you to go back to the city? Why you just now coming to me Killani?" She all but yelled.

"Well he didn't really give me a time frame but I don't think he plan to wait to the end of the year. He so demanding. I want to plan a wedding I'm excited about that part but I feel he should court me first." I said as she shook her head.

"Girl this some TV shit. Type of shit you read in them books you and America use to read in high school." She stood from the table grabbing her water from the counter next to me. "Is this where the idea came from? How he ask?" I looked down I could not tell my mom he asked me to be his wife while eating my ass. "Never mind I don't even want to know."

After spending majority of the day in Jersey at my parents I finally headed to the city to surprise my man! Truth is I wanted to hunch on him. Speeding through the Lincoln tunnel it took me no time to get into the city. Stopping for a chopped cheese was my first stop. I picked up my cell to call Jersey.

"Wasspoppin ma?" He asked on the second ring

"You busy or something I can call back." I said his background wasn't loud but it wasn't necessarily quiet.

"Always got time for you." He said as I smiled thinking of how far we've came.

"Have you ate?" I asked as he laughed.

"Nah you gone feed me?" He asked in a joking manner.

"What you want to eat?.. 'chopped cheese with everything on it extra mayo light lettuce. Some potato wedges too.'" I said to Ali behind the counter we grew up together to see his family still own this store is everything.

"You here?" He asked almost like he was caught up I laughed.

"Ummm yea. I'm not in Brooklyn yet but I'm in the city. My mom asked me to check this place out in Harlem." I said leaving out the fact that it was a condo my dad kept here that was now mine thanks to my mom 'he don't need that hoepad no way here both set of keys make it yours. Here take your father black card.' "Im going to go get that situated then I'll go by the supermarket so what you want?" I said taking my bag and leaving the store ready to smash on my sandwich.

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