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Eunwoo pov - 

"Dongmin, get your lazy ass up, school starts in 5 minutes."

I barley have enough time to open my eyes before I'm thrown off of my bed. "argh," I groan as I sit up on the floor, fully awake, glaring at Jinwoo. "What the hell JinJin, if you would've given me 2 seconds I would've gotten up just fine," I said, getting up to go to the bathroom. "Whatever, hurry up, i don't want to be late because of you."

~~~~~~~Time skip cause I'm lazy~~~~~~~~

After almost choking eating breakfast, Jinwoo and I head to Astro High School (couldn't think of anything XD). 

"Hey Dongmin-," Jinwoo started. "Don't call me Dongmin, it's Eunwoo," I replied half-heartedly. "Yea, whatever, anyways, I heard from Myungjun that there is going to be a new kid at school today, maybe they'll be who you're tethered to?" Jinwoo said, while texting Myungjun, or MJ, his boyfriend. 

"Doubtful," I said. 

"C'mon, everyone else has found who they're tethered too, maybe today is you day." Jinwoo said, while looking up from his phone. "Hmm," I hummed, heading into school. But he's right, everyone in my school has found the person they were "destined" to be with. 

I walk into school with Jinwoo, who is still going on about my potential soulmate. "JINWOO," I hear from down the hall. I look up and see Myungjun, Rocky, and Sanha all by mine and Jinwoo's locker. Me and Jinwoo make our way over to them and Jinwoo walks up to Myungjun. "Hey," he says and kisses MJ. Me, Rocky, and Sanha all make gagging noises at the couple. 

"Hey, I heard there's going to be a new kid in school today," said Rocky, hugging Sanha from behind as he was trying to push him off. Rocky and Sanha are best friends, though me and the others know they are going to turn into lovers at some point. 

"Yea, do you think they'll be the one you're tethered too Eunwoo?" Sanha asked. 

"No, I don't think so, and I honestly don't care," I said, while opening my locker, taking out the necessary books for my first two periods. 

"Oh c'mon, I'm sure you'll care when it happens," said MJ. 

"Yeah yeah, i'm going to class now, see you guys at lunch," I said walking away towards Math, ugh. 

Once I get to the class room, I sit in my chair by the window and stare outside. 'What if they are the one I'm tethered to,' I think. 'I mean, if they are, I can't ignore them, can I?' 

'Oh well, lets just get through the day and not think about it'

As I sat there thinking, I didn't notice the teacher come in, nor the kid who had introduced himself and was placed next to me.....

And I definitely didn't notice the band on my right wrist change color under my sleeve 



(I'll explain later on what the band he's talking about is)

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