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Moonbin's pov: 

Today's the day. The day that I start at my new school. 

I don't know if I should be excited or nervous. I mean, what if this school is like the school in all of the cliche high school films where there's different cliques and there that one group that no one messes with or that you don't get involved with? 

Or maybe this will be the school that the magical band on my wrist will change to that wonderful red color rather than just staying blue or yellow or whatever. Everyone at my last school had somehow found who there are meant to be with, a soulmate I guess. But not me, I'm one of the last at my last school to find someone, and I still have yet to find him/her. 

I'm just hoping I will be able to find my "soulmate" in this new school. 

 ~~~~~~~~~whoop whoop time skips~~~~~~~~~~

"Good luck honey, hope you have a wonderful day," My mom says as I step out of the car. "I will mom, bye," I say. 

'This is it,' I think. "I can do this," I say the myself as I walk into my new school. As I walked in I saw a couple of heads turn towards me as if asking 'who is this,' which didn't make me any less nervous as I walked into the main office. 

"How may I help you," said a lady, looking bored out of her mind, typing away at her keyboard. "Hi, I'm new here and I need to get my schedule please," I asked as I looked around the office. There wasn't much to it, just some posters here and there about upcoming school events or dance, not very interesting to be honest. 

"What is your name?" The lady asked again without looking up from her computer screen. "My name is Moonbin," I said while looking at one of the pamphlets on the desk. "Your schedule is printing now, you can go grab it. First period has already started but I let the teacher know that you will be late," she said, but this time she actually looked up and smiled at me. "Have a good first day Moonbin."

I thanked her and went to the printer to grab my schedule. Once I grabbed it, I started heading to my first class of the day, Math. "Seriously," I say out loud. I mean, who would want to have math first thing in the morning, that's like to ultimate recipe for a bad day. 

I took a deep breath before walking in the class, while praying to whatever god above that the teacher doesn't make me introduce myself. But, just my luck, she does. 

"Everyone, we have a new student today. His name is Moonbin. Moonbin, would you like to introduce yourself and tell us something interesting about you?" The teacher asked. 'Not really,' I thought as I stood in front of the class. 

"Hi everyone, um my name is Moonbin and I like to dance and sing," I said while looking around the room. Every seemed to be looking at me while I was talking expect one person who had his head down. 'Wow, rude,' I thought before the teacher spoke again. 

"Great. Alright Moonbin, you can have a seat in the back next to Eunwoo. He's the one with his head down," She said as I started to head to my seat. 'Eunwoo, that a pretty cool name,' I thought while sitting down in my seat and pulling out the things I needed for math. 

All throughout the lesson, I noticed that Eunwoo didn't lift his head up once

But I failed to notice the band under my sweatshirt sleeve change color.....


Henlo hoomans that may or may not be reading this mess of a story lol. 

I just wanted to come on here and update this story since I had some time on my hands. School is legit being a bitch and i'm in my second year of high school (my Junior year) and the homework load is unbelievable. 

I don't know when i'll update next, but hopefully it'll be soon because I actually enjoy writing this story (even though I completely suck at writing)

Anyways, i'll see y'all at the next update. 


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