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Eunwoos pov

"I think you should just go as you are right now." "He's in pajama pants and has a sweatshirt on, how is he going to go on a date in that?" "I would go on a date in pajama pants..."

I sat on my bed listening to my friends bicker. I originally just invited Jinwoo to help me pick out an outfit to go see Moonbin in, but then somehow Rocky, Sanha, and MJ all stood in my bedroom trying to help me pick on outfit. "I'm not going on a date, I'm just meeting up with Moonbin because he wants to show me something. So would y'all stop arguing and help me pick out an outfit please?"

They all stopped speaking and looked at me with wide eyes. "Of course this is a date," said MJ. "Yea, after what you told us today, this is totally a date." said Sanha. I regret telling them about what happened between me and Moonbin a couple hours back. I originally just told Jinwoo but his bitch ass can't keep a secret, so they all collectively started teasing me as soon as they got here. 

"Whatever, just help me choose an outfit, it's already 8:30 and I need to be at the park by 9," I started to get impatient as time got closer to 9. 'Is this a date?' I questioned myself. I zoned out as I started thinking more about what would happen when we met. 

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice the boys starting at me until someone flicked my forehead. "Ow! The fuck was that for Sanha?" I stared a Sanha, rubbing the sore spot. "We had been calling you for 5 minutes telling you that we had picked an outfit. But you just looked zoned out," Rocky said, "I suggested throwing water on you, but I got outnumbered so..."

"Gee thanks," I said with sarcasm lased in my voice. "No problem, anyways, put this on. You have 10 minutes until you need to leave so make it quick," said Jinwoo as he held up an outfit. I quickly grabbed the outfit and went into the bathroom. 

After I had put on the outfit, I stepped out of the bathroom. "Not bad," MJ said while looking the outfit over. The outfit consisted of a black turtle neck with a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of boots. Dressy, but not over the top, perfect. 

"Thanks guys," I said while looking at the clock on the wall. The clock read 9:10. "Shoot, i'm late," I said as I scrambled to grab my phone, wallet and coat. As I was walking, more like running, out the door JinJin shouted "Have fun, if you go back to his house, use protection," while giggling with the rest of the guys. 

I didn't have time to reply as I slammed the shut and ran towards the school. Thankfully I didn't live that far away from school so it was a rather short run from my house to the school. 

Once I got to the school, I stopped running and tried to catch my breath. I started to walk towards the park behind the school. 

Once I got to the park, I immediately saw Moonbin sitting on a bench with his back facing me. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. 

"Hey," I said, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long, I got held up at home and lost track of time." "It's no big deal, I just got here, I was worried that you would already be here, but here you are." 

I didn't know what to say after that. There was an awkward silence (i was listening to Stray Kids' Awkward Silence while writing this lol) looming in the air before I broke the silence. "What is it that you wanted to show me?" I asked. "Oh right, follow me," Moonbin said while walking in a different direction. 

I started following him. "Where are we going?" I asked as we started to head into the woods. "Quiet young one, were almost there," He said while ducking under a branch. I ducked under the same branch while saying "I'm pretty sure i'm older that you." "Probably but oh well," he said as he stopped. I didn't noticed that he stopped as I wasn't looking at where I was going and ended up crashing into his back. 

"Oh sorry," I said as I backed away, blush spreading around my face. "It's fine, anyways were here," he said as he turned around to face me. "Where is here to be exact, you didn't bring me here to kill me right?" I asked as my eyes got wide. "No Eunwoo, I didn't take you here to kill you," He chuckled a little. "I took you here because I wanted to show you something," He said while leading me to a tree that had low hanging branches. 

"Prepare to be amazed," he said, and lifted up the branches. At first I wasn't sure what I was looking at, but as I got closer, my eyes widen in surprise. "Wow," I said as I took in the beautiful scenery. We were at a small opening that was surrounded by thick, tall trees. It was quite small, but there was a little cliff that overlooked the city and some law chairs and a tent set up in the middle. 

"It's beautiful," I said as I stared in awe at the night sky. It was filled with stars and they all looked so beautiful. "Where did you find this place?" I asked Moonbin, still staring at the sky in awe

"I found it after my first day here. I was stressed with changing to a new school in the middle of the semester that I started to walk around to clear my head. A couple of hours later I found myself in these woods and found this place a little while after," He said while coming to stand next to me. "This place has been the place I came to whenever I was feeling stressed or just needed a place to get away from humanity. I realized how much time I was spending here that I brought a couple of chairs so I could sit on something other than the ground. The tent was here when I got here," He explained as he went to go sit in one of the chairs.

I went and sat in the one next to him and asked him, "Why did you bring me here? If it was me, I would want to keep this place to myself and not show anyone." I laughed a little at the end and then turned to see Moonbin staring at me intensely and I stopped laughing. 

"I brought you here because I wanted to show the person who captured my heart the place that captured my heart," He said while staring deeply into my eyes. 

And I felt my heart swell 


Yayyyy another chapter!!!! 

I'm enjoying writing this book and I hope those who are reading are enjoying this as much as I am. 

Thanksgiving break is coming up so there will probably be a lot more update over that week that I'm out of school so look forward to it

Side note - Stray Kids is slowly killing me with their recent comeback and I can't with them. All of the songs they make are bops and I'm addicted to it lol 

But yea, stan Stray Kids if you don't already 


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