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Eunwoo's pov:

2 weeks

It's been 2 weeks since Moonbin kissed me and I have been ignoring him ever since. 

Why you ask? Simple. I've been sick. 

That's not a good reason to ignore the man who just kissed me in the park behind our school, but it's a damn good reason for me so shush. 

Moonbin has been texting me ever since then, and so has everyone else....have I answered them, nope. 

Truthfully I don't know why I don't answer them. Maybe it's because I haven't fully accepted the fact that my crush kissed me, or maybe it's due to the fact that I know MJ and everyone will tease me. 

'Maybe I should text them back, ya know to let them know that I'm not dead,' I thought as I looked through the messages building up on my phone's lock screen. After staring at my blank phone screen for about 30 minutes I decided to text them back. 

I decided to text the group chat and then Moonbin. 

Awkward Gay Hoomans




the dead has finally risen 


where have you been? 




B o i 

We've been messaging you constant

we thought you feel off the face of the earth 

I'm sorry, I got sick


Too sick to pick up the phone? 


What kinda sickness did you have, and can I 

have it because I have a presentation next week and I didn't prepare


Bitch!! we have that presentation tomorrow tf?

We had a whole month to prepare, tf were you doing? 



I was watching memes 

Sorry, I lost my phone and just found it today....

but i gotta go, just wanted to make let yall know i'm alive

I quickly shut off my phone as I heard the doorbell ring. Assuming it was my food that I ordered not to long ago, I didn't bother putting on pants considering it wasn't like I was ever going to see this human again so what's the point. 

But when I got to the door, the one thing I did not expect to see was Moonbin standing outside my door 


Short and shitty chapter I'M SO SORRY

I didn't really know what to writ about but seeing as I haven't updated since December I decided to update, but then ran out of things to write about halfway through

But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter despite how shitty it was. 

Also, I haven't been to school at all this week because Wisconsin decided to asy fuck everyone and make it -30 degrees with a -50 degree windchill so I've been in the comfort of my house slowly dying of boredom whoop 


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