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Eunwoo's pov:

The first three period of the day weren't that bad considering I either slept through them, or just didn't pay attention. I couldn't stop thinking about the new kid and weather or not he/she is who I'm tethered to. I heard they are in my math class, but I had my head down the whole time so I didn't get to see what they looked like.

It's now lunch time and the first thing I hear when I sit down is.....

"So are they the one you're tethered too?" said Sanha. "I don't even know what they look like, so no, I don't think so," I said as I took out my lunch. "But I heard he was in your first hour," said Rocky. 'Hmmm, so it's a he, interesting,' I thought before answer, "I had my head down the entire period so I didn't see him." 

"What have I told you about sleeping in class," said MJ as he slapped me on the head. "First off, I wasn't sleeping, I was thinking about the new kid. Second, OW." Everyone else just seemed to laugh at my pain. 

Just as I was about to throw my chicken bone at Sanha and Rocky, some voice that I didn't recognize spoke. 

Moonbin's pov. 

Lunchtime, aka the worst time for new kids at a new school. I was hoping I would get lucky and someone would ask me to sit with them at lunch, but to no avail, I walk around the lunch room looking like the typical loser kid. 

As I was walking around, I heard loud laughter coming from one of the lunch tables all the way in the back. I started to head over there but stopped because it looked like the were all having fun and I didn't want to ruin it. 

'You can do this Moonbin,' I said trying to hype myself up, 'You're going to go over there and they are going to love you.' 

As I started walking over, my nerves starting going crazy, but there was no backing out now as I was already spotted. 

"Hi, my name is Moonbin, I'm new here and I was wondering if it would be alright if I sat with you guys for lunch?" I asked. "Sure," a guy who had greenish hair said, "You sit next to Eunwoo," said the same guy as, who I assume was Eunwoo, turned around. 

'Holy crap,' I thought as I sat down next to him, 'How can one human be that beautiful?'

"We don't really know either why Eunwoo is so handsome either," said a boy who looked very young. "Shoot, I said that out loud?" I asked as I stared at the table, blushing hard. "I'm sorry," I said as I looked at Eunwoo, only to see that he was staring at me. "It's fine, I find you beautiful as well," Eunwoo said as we were staring at each other. 

"Okay, well before they pounce on each other, why don't we introduce ourselves. Hi, I'm Jinwoo, but everyone calls me JInJin," said green haired dude, or I guess JinJin. "Hi, i'm Myungjun, but you can call me MJ." 

"Hello, my name is Sanha and I am cutie," Sanha said in a baby voice, and I guess he's not wrong because he's freaking adorable. "Henlo, I am Rocky." 

"And I am Eunwoo," He said as we stared at each other again. 

After what felt like hours, but it was really only seconds, I broke eye contact. 'Frick, his eyes are beautiful too.' I thought. 

"Hi, nice to meet you all, as I said before, I am Moonbin. I hope we can all be friends," I said while looking down at the table. "Of course," said Sanha, in an overly excited voice, but yet it was still cute, how is that possible?

We spent the lunch period just getting to know each other and it felt nice to actually have friends. 

As lunch ended, we all exchanged numbers and headed to our next class. 

~~~~~~~~tiny time skip~~~~~~~~

It's now the end of the day, and I was walking home when I got a text from Eunwoo


Is your band thingy on your left or right wrist?


I just need to know plz

It's on my left...


What color is it atm? 


Should i be concerned about something??

No, not at all, can you just check what color it is right now plz

Umm, sure?

I sent as I check my left wrist. I was expecting it to be just plain white, but instead it was blue. 

"What," I said aloud. 'Why is my band blue? I don't have a crush on anyone right now.' 

Before I could contemplate this for longer, another text came through



What color is it..?

It's blue....but I don't understand why

Why are you suddenly asking me this?


Mine is blue too.....

and i think you might be the reason for it

read at 7:30pm


Henlo random hoomans reading this story. I am currently bed ridden because I have strep throat, whoop whoop (not really, plz send help, i'm slowly dying). So I decided that I would update

Anyways, how was this chapter? It became longer than I expected it to be, but I couldn't find a good place to stop so I kept writing. 

I'll probably end up updating tomorrow as well as I am forbidden from going to school, so see y'all lovely hoomans tomorrow 


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