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disclaimer : english is not my 1st language,
sorry for the wrong spelling & grammar.


"Eunwoo , can you go to the supermarket and buy me oil ?? " her mother ask softly.

Eunwoo nodded and wait patiently for her mother to hand in the money.



Eunwoo observing the supermarket , he never been there before so he didnt know where exactly the oil at.  Later, a girl greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, do you need anything?"  The girl asked.

Eunwoo stare at her eyes.
It is beautiful.
Sparkling like the stars.
What is her name?

"Um sir? You ... good?"  She asked.

Eunwoo wake up from imagination ,
He bowed as a sign that he sorry.

"Im looking for oil, do you where can i find em'?"

The girl nodded and lead him the way.

"There you go. " she smiled.

When she was about to left, eunwoo called her.

"Yes ?"

"Do you know which oil is better for cooking?"

The girl smile and point out the oil that she think is better for cooking.

"I usually use this one for cooking. It is ok .is this your first time do grocery shopping?"

The girl ask shyly.

"Ye-yeah. Usually it was my mom. But my mom happen to have period pain soo..."  eunwoo replied.

The girl make an '0' expression. She later bowed  as she need to get back to work. Eunwoo thanked her for helping him.



"Eunwoo? Why did you buy this oil?" 
His mother ask.

Eunwoo look at her nervously . Did the supermarket girl lied to him??   Did his mother dislike the oil?

"Wh-why did you ask mom?"

" because it works better than before. Im glad you choose this. Def gonna buy this one. Good choice hunny"  his mother smiled.

Eunwoo sigh in relieved.

"I guess she was right. I wonder what is her name. Hmm"


{C} 11 : 11 | cha eunwoo Where stories live. Discover now