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it's been weeks since i met him.
after he kissed me, he left me without reason.
i tried to call him but he didnt pick up.
until i decide to go to his house,

there was no one.
no car,
no one,
just empty.

what is this?
did he played with my feelings?
did he use me ?
did he really left me?

so eunwoo is not my 11:11 wish?
mom? are you there? are you seeing this?
did you lied about everything?
11:11 wish is not true?

what is happening?
where the hell is he?
why he didnt pick up my calls?
why my messages is one tick not double?

are you there?
are you leaving me?
can you please come back?

"i miss you"
"pick up"
"where are you"
"i need you"

i've been saying these for days,
wishing you will come back to me
you gone without telling me
are you hiding something from me?

"hana, let's eat. you haven't eat for days"
my aunt said . without bother looking at her,

i just shake my head .
i countinue stare at the window.
my aunt then come in and lean at the wall,
she stare at me which make me fee uncomfortable.

"what with that look on your face hm?"
"nothing. im just not in mood to eat"

"geez stop lying. you're the one who keep saying that we need to eat to stay alive. Do you wanna die?"

"well i regret for saying that. you can eat with hanseol"

my aunt sigh and knee turn her gaze to the window.
she stare at the dark sky , then she put on a smile.

"why did you smile ? for no reason."
"your mother. i wonder how she felt seeing your like this"

i roll my eyes and move to my bed.
i tied my hair and lay down.

"stopped with the nonsense aunty. she can't see me. stop acting like she ever care about me"

"woah , you got an attitude problem there. stop blaming your mother for something she didnt do"

"im not blaming her."

"srsly tell me the problem? is it about the eunwoo guy?"


"so it is about him. why? because you can't see him?"

"why would you care?"
"because you're my responsibility??"

"ugh just get out of my room. i want to sleep"
"look, if you miss him that bad, just ask his niece"

"why the hell i should do that?"
"because you want to know where he at ? her niece live around this area you know. just find her"

"i'll think about it, just get out"


{C} 11 : 11 | cha eunwoo Where stories live. Discover now