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ever since that day,
eunwoo & i hangout a lot.
its been month now.
what i like about him is,
he has that weird attitude when you
truly know him. i think thats cute.

he even share with me about his family problem.
that his dad betrayed his mother & took his mother food company with him. left them nothing.
it was sad. im sorry for him too.
but im glad he is happy now.

"hana, i always want to ask this"

"what is it?"

"i always see you run every night at 11 pm.
and you will return after 11:11 pm. where did you go?"

i look to the ground.
should i tell him?
or not?

"w-wait if that question is personal , then you don't have to answer it. sorry"

its ok!
just tell him hana!
you can trust him !
i let out a heavy breath and look at him.

"i went to my secret place. and every 11:11 , i will make a wish" i replied.

he looked at me weirdly.

" you can just make a wish at your house. why you want to go to somewhere else to make a wish?"

"i don't know. i guess because of the stars. i always think the stars heard my wishes. i know it's childish but that is what i believe in"

eunwoo nodded as a sign he understand.
we lay down under the tree. i rest my head on his arm. luckily im not heavy! hihi.

" um,"

i turn to my right and look at him. our face is so close . my heart beat very fast & i think it will explode!

"can i know what is your wish?"

eunwoo asked.
they face each other and they make an eyecontact for a minute . both of them feel the same.
love, weird , attractive.

"my wish is...."


{C} 11 : 11 | cha eunwoo Where stories live. Discover now