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disclaimer : english is not my 1st language,
sorry for the wrong spelling & grammar.


to have someone that can understand me. that be my soulmate until i died. can be my lover & i wish to be somebody stars. that is my biggest wish"

i said while looking at him.
tonight feel different.
idontknow why.

"you actually believe 11:11 wish??"
eunwoo asked me

i let out a small laugh after heard his question.
i admit it sound childish but what can i do?

"haha yeah. ik its funny but my mom teach me that"

"your mom? ah is she the onethat i always see everyday , the one that watering the flowers?"

"no. that is aunt marie. my mom is up there. among the stars. where she belongs, where she can shine brightly & beautifully"

i turn my gaze to the sky, stars are shining and its beautiful. just like my mom. mom?
are you okey up there?
do you see me?
i wish i can get my answer but...
in my dream.

"you know hana, you're beautiful too. you can be the stars like your mother too. its not impossible"

eunwoo statement make me laugh.
how can someone like me be a star?

"you need to be SOMEBODY star before become a star at the sky."

"then? what's the prob?"

"eunwoo, im nobody stars. and i will never be."

"then what's the point im here?"

i look at eunwoo weirdly.
what did he mean??

"i don't understand homeboi"


he grabbed both of my hand and pulled me closer to his chest as we are facing each other while lay down.

"you're MY STARS. you deserve to be my stars. and , i wish you can be my stars and also mine."

a soft lips land on my lips.

eunwoo-Kiss me?!


{C} 11 : 11 | cha eunwoo Where stories live. Discover now