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it's morning and i just finished jogging.
then i sat on a bench near the river.
and ofcourse, i think about him again.
i close my eyes and just breathe.

"i guess i really miss you that much ."

i said to myself .
then i feel like there is something beside me.
i opened my eyes and spot a tiny box beside me.
i look around & there was nobody.

"what is this? a mini box? who put this? is is for me? hm weird"

i decided to opened it and-
i covered my mouth with my hand.
i was shocked with what i see.
a note & a necklace .

the note says;
[ happy birthday, my jelly.
im sorry i couldnt make it.
im sorry for leaving you.
i know you've waited for months.
it was your birthday few days ago,
i know i promised to celebrate it with you.
something come up so i can't make it.
seol ha-na, i want you to know that ,
i did not play with your feelings.
i watch you every single day.
i know how lonely you are.
but i can't approach you.
that's why i leave you.
it's complicated.
im sorry , jelly.
i love you.
i really do.]


i can't helped it but cry.
what is this?
why is it here?
is he really here?

my eyes is like waterfall.
the tears won't stop falling.
not because im sad,
but because eunwoo is back.

my true love is back.


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